Building a more stable China-U.S. relationship after the San Francisco summit meeting

BEIJING, Nov. 23, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — A news report by on the San Francisco summit meeting:

After a year, face-to-face communication between the leaders of China and the United States was once again witnessed by the international community.

In the past few months, the bilateral relationship between China and the U.S. has gradually walked out of the shadow, showing a stop in decline and a trend of stabilization. High-ranked officials of both countries have dialogued and negotiated frequently, with China-U.S. economic and financial working groups formed, and the two countries have been promoting people-to-people exchanges. In such context, Chinese President Xi Jinping and American President Joe Biden met on Nov. 15 at Filoli Estate, south of San Francisco.

This meeting is to set China-U.S. relations back to the trajectories pictured when President Xi and President Biden met on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia. It is also an important window for both countries to join hands to avoid a zero-sum game, and view one country’s success as an opportunity for the other.

During the meeting, President Xi Jinping underscored that the two countries should foster a new “San Francisco vision,” while consolidating the five pillars for China-U.S. relations. Fundamentally, the U.S. needs to alter its existing stereotypes towards China and the relationship between the two countries. It should be aware that China will not take the wrong path of seeking hegemony with growing strength, nor does it have a plan to surpass or unseat the United States.

The two countries also agreed to cooperate in a range of fields, among which the resumption of bilateral high-level military-to-military communication has been attached utmost importance by the Biden administration and the international community. Many think this could lower the possibility of war in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea between China and the U.S. The two countries also showed willingness to work together on coping with Fentanyl, climate change and AI issues, which received compliments from the international community and those with vision in America. Besides, the San Diego Zoo in California may also benefit from the summit meeting: It may welcome some new pandas, as the animal is a long-time favorite of the American people.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. To substantially ease the tension between China and the U.S., and to really safeguard peace and stability in the international system, progress must be made step by step.

Quote President Xi Jinping: “Major-country competition is not the prevailing trend of current times and cannot solve the problems facing China and the United States or the world at large.” Hopefully, the two countries could usher in a new chapter after the San Francisco summit meeting, actively put the heads of state’s consensus into action, and build a more stable and more constructive China-US relationship.

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Building a more stable China-U.S. relationship after the San Francisco summit meeting


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