Guy Spier will host his fourth lunch to benefit UN Watch.

ZURICH, Nov. 24, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Guy Spier will dine with the winning bidder and up to seven friends on a mutually agreed date.

WHERE/WHEN: Anywhere in Zurich, Switzerland, or London, UK, on a mutually agreeable date or any other mutually agreeable location and date.

100% of the proceeds from the winning bid will benefit UN Watch. For more information, visit the UN Watch website.

Here’s a short video introduction to this charity lunch and here’s a link to the auction.

The winner of the last lunch auction was Ardal Loh-Gronager.


 Winning Bid



$ 21,100

Ardal Loh-Gronager


$ 10,101

Edgar Martinez


$ 13,400

Sanjeet Thethy

About Guy Spier

Guy Spier is a Zurich-based investor and the author of The Education of a Value Investor

Since 1997, he has managed Aquamarine’s privately offered investment funds, which were inspired by the original 1950s Buffett Partnerships and are a close replica of the original Buffett Partnership Rules. Guy is an ardent disciple of Warren Buffett and closely follows Buffett’s principles on value investing and capital allocation.

Guy has worked as an investment banker in New York and as a management consultant in London and Paris. He has an MBA from the Harvard Business School and holds a first class degree in politics, philosophy and economics from Oxford University. On graduating from Oxford, he was co-awarded the George Webb Medley Prize for the best performance that year in economics.

The Education of a Value Investor has been translated into German, Mandarin, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, Hebrew, Vietnamese and other languages. Guy is a regular commentator on public affairs and has appeared on CNN, CNBC, Bloomberg TV and Radio, and in print in the FT Adviser, The Times of London, MarketWatch, Time, The Observer, SumZero and other leading newspapers and magazines.

Guy lives in Switzerland with his wife Lory and their three children, Eva, Isaac and Sarah.

Guy is a director of UN Watch.

About UN Watch

UN Watch is a nongovernmental organization that monitors the performance of the United Nations according to the yardstick of its char­ter and promotes human rights for all.

Founded in 1993, UN Watch influences decision-makers, educates world opinion and promotes UN reform, transparency and accountability.

Based in Geneva, UN Watch works with civil society, dissidents and victims to focus international attention on urgent human rights situations across the world.

UN Watch stands at the forefront in combating racism, antisemitism and anti-Israel prejudice at the UN, taking the offensive against dictatorships and double standards.

UN Watch receives no funding from any government and relies entirely on charitable donations.

The executive director of UN Watch is Hillel Neuer.

SOURCE Aquamarine Fund

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