Michelin gets involved in European Disability Employment Week

  • The Handicap France agreement is renewed for 2024

  • “Mission Handicap,” a driver for raising awareness and inclusion for the Group within France

From November 20th to 24th, Michelin will participate in European Disability Employment Week.

Almost all the Michelin sites in France are getting involved in the event to raise awareness of disabilities among employees.

For Sophie de Villepin, the Diversity and Inclusiveness Director of Michelin France, “Respecting individual needs has always been a fundamental value for Michelin. Ensuring the well-being of the company’s employees is an integral part of that. Among its commitments, Michelin brings special attention to the inclusion and professional development of disabled individuals. That is why we are participating in European Disability Employment Week.”

Among the many initiatives implemented in the field, Michelin is proud to present

Awareness-raising days in Clermont-Ferrand

The Michelin site of Ladoux demonstrates its involvement by raising awareness of, and openness to, disabilities. For example, on Monday, November 20th, the site welcomed the association Trisomie 21 as part of the operation “1001 petits-déjeuners” (“1001 breakfasts”). Members of the association delivered 200 breakfasts to the Michelin employees. The full price of each breakfast is donated to the association.

To facilitate the hiring of disabled individuals and raise awareness among employees, the Michelin site of Carmes holds lectures and training sessions on these themes.

DUODAYS at Cholet

The Michelin factory in Cholet has been organizing DUODAYS since 2019. This initiative involves a Michelin employee accommodating a disabled person for a full day, introducing that person to the company, their profession, and their

work. This is an opportunity for the Group’s employees to overcome their preconceptions about disabilities. The operation now extends to a number of Michelin sites in France, and employees are increasingly showing an interest in participating.

Of the other initiatives reflecting the Group’s constant commitment to include persons with disabilities, Michelin is working, in particular, with trade unions to accelerate the implementation of specific measures to recruit employees and ensure job retention. This is confirmed by the upcoming renewal of the Handicap France agreement and innovative schemes including Mission Handicap.

Renewal of the Handicap France agreement

After the initial conclusion of a convention in 2017 between Michelin and the AGEFIPH*, a first Group agreement was signed in 2021. The company joins trade union organizations in emphasizing two principal areas: hiring and maintaining employment among individuals with disabilities.

To pursue its commitment to them, the renewal of the agreement is currently being negotiated with the trade unions. Its signature is planned for 2024.

Mission Handicap: a driver for inclusiveness and for raising awareness

To address challenges relating to the employment of disabled individuals, Michelin created Mission Handicap in 2016. Its objective is to assist disabled employees in their professional lives and to adapt their work stations in order to address their specific needs.

Inclusive hiring and employment maintenance constitute the first major area of Mission Handicap. To fulfill this commitment, 20 disability correspondents, based at every industrial and tertiary site in France, provide guidance to disabled individuals on a daily basis. Preventing professional disengagement is a major issue, and anticipation is the key to success for maintaining the employment of disabled individuals.

Raising awareness is the second major area of Mission Handicap. Thanks to the action of its correspondents and its network of ambassadors, training and awareness-raising sessions are coordinated locally with the teams. To date, some fifty ambassadors based in Clermont-Ferrand have already reached out to nearly 3,000 Michelin employees.

In 2023, Michelin receives a prize for its commitment to the AGEFIPH

For the last two years, Michelin has been participating in a contest organized by the AGEFIPH: Activ’Challenge. In 2023, 1,200 employees got involved in the competition… Six times as many as in 2022.

Michelin got the prize for the best score in the category of companies of more than 250 employees.

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