Survey Reveals: Young Right-Wing Women Demand Trump Debate

Is This The Nikki Haley Effect?

FORT LEE, N.J., Dec. 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — More than any other demographic, young Republican women believe Donald Trump should be debating his challengers. A poll conducted by The American Survey (powered by What If Media Group) after the last GOP primary debate found that, compared to their older peers, Republican women aged 18-35 are 28.3% more insistent that Trump should have taken the stage for the first three events. That margin increases to 32.4% when compared to Republican men.

Non-Republicans are much less interested. 30.4% of Democrats say they are glad that Trump has refused to participate thus far, but apathy reigns in these voting blocs: 55% of Democrats and nearly 80% of Independent voters say it doesn’t matter to them whether Trump debates or not. Only 9.6% of Independents believe he should.

In a presidential race that may hinge on issues of women’s rights — as Democratic victories in last year’s midterms and more recent state elections suggest — GOP candidate Nikki Haley’s moderate stance on abortion, with calls for consensus across the aisle where possible, leave many wondering where the former President (and current Republican frontrunner) stands in comparison. Right-leaning young women want to hear Trump engage with the policy discussions that affect them most.

Of the remaining voters, some are happy to see Trump ignore tradition — but the vast majority simply don’t care.

All data reported by The American Survey represents at least 16,000 responses from our 500,000 daily users polled randomly across the United States, giving us a 99% confidence level with a margin of error of +/-1%. To learn more about this survey or how our surveys can help you, contact:

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Danny Regenstein

Chief Marketing Officer

[email protected]

SOURCE What If Media Group

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