Autoagent Data Solutions Acquires MuniciPAY, Expanding its Payment Processing Solutions for County and Local Governments

Escrow tax processing company, Autoagent Data Solutions, is expanding its first-of-its-kind, complete solution for seamless municipal and county government incoming revenue.  

BOCA RATON, Fla., Jan. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Autoagent Data Solutions, the leader in escrow tax and government payment processing, announced today that it acquired MuniciPAY, a citizen payment gateway that enables municipalities to accept a full suite of payments for everything from utilities to parking tickets, and DMV fees to concession sales thereby increasing community engagement.

Autoagent Data Solutions CEO, Niko Spyridonos, said, “Autoagent has grown to become the leader in escrow tax processing through our patented, cloud-based software and easy-to-use website. With the acquisition of MuniciPAY, we have expanded our citizen payment gateway allowing local governments to consolidate their incoming revenue in one place. We will continue to offer real-time payment updates ensuring the information is accurate: preventing refunds, double payments, payment errors, and lags in deposits. This saves local government time and increases community trust. With our newly expanded offering, we are now a comprehensive partner in the process for incoming revenue.”

“Local governments are increasingly recognizing the value of offering multiple payment options for incoming revenue on a single, simple platform,” commented Robert Jahn of Stella Point Capital, Autoagent’s majority equity investor since 2021.  “With MuniciPAY, Autoagent can better respond to this demand.”

MuniciPAY has created a government service model that is centered on the daily payment challenges of its customers. With customizable payment solutions that maximize efficiency, MuniciPAY is set apart from its competitors. With MuniciPAY, Autoagent can expand on providing a simple, accurate, and complete solution for incoming revenue across a wide range of payment types, removing payment barriers for citizens and creating opportunity for a higher level of participation from the community. Autoagent’s free 24/7 customer service is the key that unlocks long term payment success for local government. 

Jamie Nonni, CEO of MuniciPAY, says, “The synergies between MuniciPAY and Autoagent will provide our customers a level of expertise and service unrivaled in the government payments industry.  MuniciPAY has found a great new home at Autoagent.”

Autoagent Data Solutions has processed more than $295B in escrow tax revenue since its founding.  MuniciPAY will join the escrow tax service under the Autoagent umbrella to create a universal single source platform for local governments to have immediate insight into incoming revenue across a wide range of real estate tax, and direct payments from citizens. 

About Autoagent Data Solutions, LLC

Autoagent Data Solutions partners with local government nationwide to unlock the free-flow of incoming revenue. As the market leader since 2002, Autoagent’s patented escrow tax processing eliminates refunds and provides up-to-the-minute accurate tax files among many other advantages. Autoagent’s service-focused solution and stellar 24/7 customer service is free to local governments. It modernizes the Treasurers’ office, saving hundreds of hours of work by eliminating the chore of manually reconciling tax files – freeing up resources to focus on more important things like essential services. The company’s customer-focused approach results in simplifying the revenue process for its government partners. This translates into a smoothly financed government with the opportunity for a more satisfied citizenry. Autoagent Data Solutions is a bridge between escrow payers and local governments with a national footprint in the USA. 

About MuniciPAY

MuniciPAY has been in the municipal payments business for 16 years. The company holds one of the largest payments footprint for municipalities in the nation and has a knowledgeable sales and service team that support local governments across a wide range of payment categories and methods.

SOURCE Autoagent Data Solutions

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