Antolin, the first company in the Spanish automotive industry to achieve the AENOR Certification for Compliance Management Systems

Antolin has obtained the AENOR certification for Compliance Management Systems, recognizing the effective implementation of the reference standard, UNE-ISO 37301:2021, in the field of regulatory compliance. Following a successful audit of the company’s Compliance area, ANTOLIN becomes the first company in the automotive sector to obtain this certification and positions itself among the ten Spanish companies that have attained this AENOR certification to date.

AENOR has certified Antolin’s commitment to legal compliance and international standards, highlighting the implementation of a transversal and comprehensive model for preventing compliance risks. The UNE-ISO 37301:2021 standard provides organizations with a framework and guidelines to establish, implement, assess, maintain, and enhance effective compliance management systems.

“It represents a significant milestone for our company and demonstrates that effective management of compliance risks is strategic. It places us at the forefront of organizations committed to regulatory compliance and contributes to strengthening the trust of our stakeholders,” stated Corporate Compliance director, José Manuel Garcelán.

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