Aura recognized on Glassdoor’s “Best Places to Work 2024: Small & Medium Businesses” List

88% of employees who reviewed Aura would recommend the company to a friend; 92% approve of Hari Ravichandran as CEO

BOSTON, Jan. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Aura, the first truly intelligent safety solution for families, was recently recognized by Glassdoor as one of 2024’s “Best Places to Work: Small & Medium Businesses.” The annual list honors standout businesses (with fewer than 1,000 employees) for their commitment to compensation, flexibility and company culture.

The rankings of the list are determined based on employee reviews on Glassdoor. Nine workplace attributes are taken into consideration when ranking: overall company rating, career opportunities, compensation and benefits, culture and values, diversity and inclusion, senior management, work-life balance, recommendation to a friend and six-month business outlook.

“Aura’s mission–to make the internet safer for all–starts with passionate, well-rounded people,” said Aura Founder and CEO, Hari Ravichandran. “I’m glad our commitment to fostering a workplace of excellence is validated by the voices of our employees.”

Aura’s corporate culture has been cultivated by the People Experience team, who effortlessly engage employees despite operating in a remote-first environment. Personal well being and professional development are at the forefront of the People Experience team’s mission, which is demonstrated through inclusive programming, virtual and in-person community-building events, leadership and skills-building training programs.

Glassdoor published its ranking on January 24th. The full list can be found on their website.

Aura is the first truly intelligent safety solution, protecting everything your family does online. With an easy-to-use, AI-powered platform that continuously adapts to evolving online risks1, Aura mitigates threats before they become real problems. By focusing on preventative protection – leveraging our #1 rated identity protection services, automatically updating breached passwords found on the dark web, auto-blocking call and SMS scams, and alerting parents to cyberbullying and online predators – Aura puts families a step ahead of cybercriminals for the first time. To learn more, visit

About Glassdoor
Glassdoor is a thriving community for workplace conversations, driven by a simple mission: helping people everywhere find jobs and companies they love. Since 2007, their vision is to make positive workplace changes through radical transparency. Through the products they make and the communities they create, they strive to break down barriers that lead to discrimination, pay gaps, and toxic work environments. Glassdoor aims to foster a world where people have the support and resources they need to find a job that loves them back.

1 Not all features use AI capabilities.


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