ACI and UPI together to promote initiatives on education in schools


A memorandum of understanding has been signed to strengthen the collaboration

Together define traffic education programs for high schools, create courses and information initiatives on the topics of safety and safe and sustainable mobility, promote integrated cultural activities, establishing a stable and lasting collaboration.

These are some of the objectives of the memorandum of understanding signed today by the President of UPI, Michele de Pascale, and the President of ACI, Angelo Sticchi Damiani.

The statutory tasks of the Automobile Club of Italy also include that of supporting bodies and associations in the definition of road safety education programs for schools of all levels.

A topic on which UPI has always supported the commitment of the Provinces, which manage the over 7,100 high schools in which more than 2 and a half million middle school students study, through communication campaigns and educational projects.

“This protocol – declare the President of UPI and the President of ACI – will allow us to be even more incisive, helping to spread advanced models of safe and sustainable mobility among young people. But it will also allow us to start analysis and in-depth work on issues relating to the interoperability of public databases to make information on mobility, transport, education and safety increasingly accessible and usable”.

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