ACI joins the RAI Radio2 campaign “M’illumino di meno”


The Automobile Club of Italy and its local structures will turn off lights and signs

On the National Day of Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles, the Automobile Club of Italy joins the “M’illumino di meno” awareness campaign, organized by RAI Radio 2, turning off unnecessary lights and signs at the headquarters and local facilities from 6pm until dawn.

Environmental sustainability is an objective not only for the automotive and mobility sector, but more generally for all economic and production sectors: a goal that can only be achieved with everyone’s commitment, including in the adoption of eco-friendly lifestyles. -responsible.

The Automobile Club of Italy has always promoted conscious and respectful behavior, on the road as in every civic environment. As highlighted in the Social Report, the Automobile Club of Italy pursues the reduction of its environmental impact on every side of its activity. On the administrative front, it has reduced the need for raw materials and services to the maximum, promoting responsible consumption and the reuse of purchased goods, as well as the recycling and correct disposal of what is no longer usable.

All purchasing procedures also respect the Green Public Procurement system. Among the actions undertaken on the energy front, ACI adopts building efficiency plans and adheres to Consip agreements to maximize the supply of electricity produced from renewable sources.

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