SoCal Edison Faces Class Action Lawsuit Alleging Illegal Billing Practices

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — PARRIS Law Firm filed a class action lawsuit against Southern California Edison alleging that the utility giant violated state law by overcharging its customers due to a “delayed-billing” error.

According to the lawsuit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, SoCal Edison failed to timely bill roughly 1% of its customer base because they “fell out of processing.” This 1% could amount to more than 50,000 customers getting delayed bills. Many of those who “fell out of processing” were not billed for upwards of 15 months like the lead plaintiff in the lawsuit. SoCal Edison spokesperson, Ron Gales, confirmed that there is a regulation in California which states that if a bill is delayed by more than three months, a customer is only responsible for the most recent three months of charges. He even quoted the regulations on live television.

“The law is clear . . . Edison isn’t allowed to charge customers for more than three months because of the delayed-billing issue,” said PARRIS Law Firm Founder R. Rex Parris. “Edison knows this; in fact, they cited the rule on their website,” Parris added. 

However, after not being billed for a 15-month period, the lead plaintiff received a delayed bill for the entire time his account “fell out of processing.” Adding further stress and anxiety, the utility threatened to shut the plaintiff’s power off if he did not pay the outstanding balance. The complaint goes on to say the bill was in excess of $1,340 and that a 24-month installment plan was issued to pay off the full amount instead of just the most recent three months.

“Tens of thousands of people were likely overbilled as a result of SoCal Edison’s attempt to salvage their losses,” said Kitty K. Szeto of PARRIS Law Firm. “I have no doubt that Edison’s use of scare tactics allowed them to recoup above and beyond what is allowed,” Szeto added.

The case is Lindsay Wellman v. Southern California Edison Company, Los Angeles Superior Court, Case No. 24STCV04185.

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PARRIS Law Firm is recognized as one of America’s top personal injury, employment, and environmental law firms. With a proven track record of fighting for justice on behalf of families and individuals, the firm boasts numerous seven and eight-figure verdicts and settlements. To learn more about the firm, please go to:


Dante Hickles (661) 949-2595


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