PARRIS Law Firm: Los Angeles Jury Awards $4.8 Million to Woman Injured in Car Crash After Insurance Company’s highest offer before trial was $3,300

LOS ANGELES, March 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — A Los Angeles jury awarded more than $4.8 million to a woman who suffered lower back injuries after being T-boned by a driver who failed to stop at a red light in Lancaster, CA.

According to the complaint, the collision occurred in 2020 when the defendant failed to stop at a red light and T-boned the plaintiff. Following the collision, the plaintiff went home and then went to urgent care the following day where she complained of neck and arm pain. Approximately a week after the collision, her lower back began to hurt with pain going into her left leg. The pain in her neck and arm resolved, but the pain in her lower back never did.

Before the crash, the plaintiff was an active woman in her mid-thirties who was passionate about her work. However, the crash left her suffering daily with lower back pain – causing her to leave a profession she loved for more than eight years. 

Although the defense admitted liability for the crash, they never took responsibility for the impact the crash had on the plaintiff. Rather, throughout the entire case, including trial, the defense claimed that the only injury the plaintiff suffered in the crash was a sprain / strain of her lower back and that any continuing problems were due to her preexisting degenerative condition. As a result, prior to trial, the most the defendant’s insurance carrier, Infinity Insurance, ever offered to try and settle the case was $3,300

“The jury saw the plaintiff, saw who she was before, saw who she is now, and saw through the defense arguments,” said PARRIS Law Firm partner Jason P. Fowler. “The jury recognized the impact the collision has had on her and returned verdict that resoundingly repudiated the defenses ridiculous claims,” Fowler added. 

The trial lasted a little over 2 weeks with the defense calling several hired experts to try and bolster their claims. Attorneys from PARRIS Law Firm cross examined each of the experts and were able to successfully dispute the defense attorney’s baseless claims. 

“The jury in this case clearly understood that our client’s injuries, and pain, were the direct result of being T-boned by the defendant,” said PARRIS Law Firm attorney Ryan K. Kahl. “They’ve helped our client obtain justice and given her the means to pay for the medical care she will require for the rest of her life.” 

The case is Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. 21AVCV00067.

About PARRIS Law Firm

PARRIS Law Firm is recognized as one of America’s top personal injury, employment, and environmental law firms. With a proven track record of fighting for justice on behalf of families and individuals, the firm boasts numerous seven and eight-figure verdicts and settlements. To learn more about the firm, please go to:


Dante Hickles (661) 949-2595

[email protected] 


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