Weathering the Crisis: Terra Delyssa Olive Oil Adjusts Prices to Sustain Farmers

HOUSTON, March 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — In an era marked by economic uncertainties and the visible effects of climate change, CHO America addresses the tough decision to adjust the price of Terra Delyssa Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The move comes in response to consecutive seasons of extreme weather that have significantly reduced olive yields across the Mediterranean, impacting production costs and, more critically, the lives of countless farmers in Tunisia who depend on olive agriculture for their income and employment.

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Terra Delyssa Tunisian Farmer in organic fields, Sfax, Tunisia

Wajih Rekik, CEO of CHO America, shares a heartfelt message with customers: “The decision to adjust Terra Delyssa‘s prices was made with heavy hearts, fully recognizing the impact on you, our valued customers, and on our dedicated farmers. The challenges we face with the climate are beyond our control, severely affecting olive yields and, by extension, the economic stability of rural communities in Tunisia. The record dry winters coupled with extreme heat in the summers affected olive oil yields in the Mediterranean over the past two years. To illustrate, a farm that used to produce 20,000 liters of olive oil is now yielding only 10,000 liters, while production expenses have remained constant, nearly doubling the total cost of production.

This price adjustment is not just a response to production costs but a necessary step to ensure the sustainability of our olive farms and the well-being of the farmers who are the backbone of this industry. We are committed to revising our prices in your favor as soon as conditions allow and deeply appreciate your understanding and support during these challenging times. Your support is crucial not only to us but to the entire olive-growing community in Tunisia.”

About CHO America: CHO America, the parent company of Terra Delyssa, Moresh, Bella Del Sol, and BULK by CHO, leads in quality and sustainability in the olive oil market. Terra Delyssa, the fastest-growing olive oil brand in North America, is known for its award-winning flavor and over 20 medals in the last two years. Distributed in North America and 42 countries around the world, Terra Delyssa represents CHO’s commitment to excellence. For more information, visit or


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