The Love Unity & Values Institute Launches Three-Year Strategic Plan; Welcomes New Board Members

Nonprofit to add career verticals, build eight neighborhood playscapes/healing spaces, and train 450 youth-serving professionals 

CHICAGO, March 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Love, Unity & Values (LUV) Institute launches a three-year strategic plan to expand its board and career verticals, and build playscapes/healing spaces for youth and families in eight neighborhoods. It also aims to provide professional development to 450 youth-serving professionals.

The LUV Institute provides services to underserved youth and young adults ages 11 to 24 who have experienced trauma and are at risk of low academic performance. Its specialists use restorative practices and evidence-based strategies to help youth build resiliency and access economic opportunities.

Under the three-year plan, the nonprofit will add solar energy, construction, and hospitality to its “Journey to My Better Self” workforce development programs focused on Artistic Expression, Career and Entrepreneurship, and Media Empowerment. The LUV Institute also offers training and certifications for nursing assistants and restorative practices (circle keeper). Since 2012, the organization has served more than 3,200 young people. Seventy-eight percent (78%) have either gone on to attend college or be placed in a job, with a 72% retention rate.

LUV Institute’s board members represent a cross-section of the business, education, and nonprofit sectors.

“Our board members are invested in young people, and they are concerned about their welfare and their futures,” said Cosette Nazon-Wilburn, Executive Director of LUV Institute. “We recognize that we are models for the kids. So it’s important that we show up and provide them with the tools to help them find their voice and pathways to future success.”

New board members include:

Dr. Dan’iel Kendricks, Chief Program Officer for the Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago, believes in helping individuals and communities build resilience to overcome social inequality and adversity.

Todd Barnett, Director of Strategy for the Institute for Positive Living, a youth-serving organization, supports restorative justice training and social-emotional support for teachers.

Teniola Odunsi, Manager of Corporate and Foundation Relations, Chicago Foundation for Women, is a passionate social impact leader who helps nonprofits and companies fulfill their corporate social responsibility objectives.

Andrew Wells, Vice President of Workforce Development, the Chicago Urban League, provides strategic leadership to the workforce staff, its contractors, and interns, and coordinates the development and implementation of employment and training initiatives.

View strategic plan:

Media contact: Shawn Taylor | [email protected] | 312-371-6260.

SOURCE The Love Unity & Values Institute

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