Reveald Launches Epiphany Validation Engine to Enhance AI-Driven Cyber Resilience

NEW YORK, May 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Reveald, an industry founder of Continuous Threat Exposure Management, has expanded its capabilities by acquiring rThreat and creating the Epiphany Validation Engine (EVE) to enhance AI-driven cyber resilience. EVE is a state-of-the-art emulation technology that enables security operators to assume the role of attackers to validate cybersecurity readiness and controls validating malware, TTPs, and controls, while allowing analysts to view the full attack path and identify material risks. As part of the CTEM journey, users can now find conditions of risk, prioritize, validate, remediate, and mobilize within one workflow, simplifying years of friction between IT operations and SecOps. This enhanced capability is set to redefine cybersecurity preparedness by utilizing real-world and custom threats to test and strengthen cyber defenses within a secure environment.

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Zero Trust, On Demand Real Attack Validation- Challenge your defenses with real-world and custom threats

EVE extends the capabilities of its technology with powerful features, including:

Automated Validation of Attack Paths: Systematically exposes vulnerabilities to predict and prevent potential breaches.
Measurement of Environmental Resilience: Evaluates how systems withstand sophisticated cyber attacks.
Assessment of Defensive Controls: Checks the effectiveness of security measures in real time.
Flexible Attack Framework: Offers customizable scenarios to match the unique threats facing each organization.
Live, Simulated, Bespoke: Supports full customization of deployed threats, including customer-created scenarios.

Dan Singer, CEO of Reveald, expressed his enthusiasm for the new capabilities: “Reveald’s mission is to harden the defense of our customers’ environments. EVE is a leap forward in providing real time gap analysis of defensive controls and the actions needed to harden the posture on a continuous basis. The Epiphany platform takes the guessing game out of what is a material risk to an organization and now with EVE, we can insure we know the full scope of the condition of risk before we take steps to remediate.” 

Reveald remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries of cybersecurity technology and helping organizations worldwide maintain robust defenses against ever-evolving threats.

For further details about the Epiphany Validation Engine and other innovative solutions from Reveald, please visit

About Revealed

Reveald guides organizations along their journey from reactive to proactive defense. Reveald’s AI-driven Epiphany Intelligence Platform™ empowers security teams to break free from existing reactive processes by leveraging Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM), supported by the expertise to guide them on every step of the journey. Known for its innovative and proactive approach to cyber threats, the company is powered by a client-first approach, prioritizing risk mitigation and operational efficiency. To learn more, visit the website.

Media contact:
Sabrena Gartland 
[email protected]

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