FINDHELP CEO Erine Gray Advocates for Data-Driven Solutions to Fix the Social Safety Net

WASHINGTON, June 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Erine Gray, CEO of findhelp, a leading social services technology firm, emphasizes the need for perfect information over additional government funding to reform the social safety net in a recently published op-ed. Drawing parallels with successful private sector innovations like Lyft, Uber, and Amazon, Gray outlines how findhelp leverages data to connect individuals with essential social care services.

“Billions of dollars have been spent on creating programs to help people whose needs fall outside of traditional healthcare, yet these needs persist,” says Gray. “The answer is not more money or more programs. The answer is better information.”

View the op-ed by Erine Gray below.

Learning from Lyft to Fix the Social Safety Net

By Erine Gray

In 2012, on a busy city street, I watched a man exit an ordinary-looking vehicle driven by someone else. I asked him if he knew the driver and he responded that he did not. Rather, he was an early angel investor in something called Lyft, which used a mobile app to connect drivers with people who needed rides. His Lyft had just dropped him off.

After we parted, I thought the concept made sense – connecting a person who needs a ride with a driver who needs a fare – but I thought the logistics were insurmountable to overcome.

Quickly, I was proved wrong…

To read the rest of the op-ed, click here.

About findhelp

Findhelp is the company modernizing America’s social safety net by simplifying the process of connecting people with help. We’ve built a comprehensive platform of products and services that make it easy to find resources for people, follow them on their journey, and track the impact in a fast and reliable way. Our industry-leading social care network includes more than half a million local, state, and national programs that serve every ZIP Code in the country, from rural areas to major metropolitan centers. Findhelp is headquartered in Austin, Texas and has been enabling healthcare, government, education and other organizations with privacy and security, since 2010. 

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