Sopexa Becomes Hopscotch Season

Sopexa fully integrates into the communications group Hopscotch and changes its name to Hopscotch Season.

NEW YORK, June 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — One month after its full acquisition by Hopscotch, communications consultancy Sopexa is changing its name to Hopscotch Season. This change is part of the company’s dynamic development and gives rise to a leading brand in Food & Beverage communications, bringing together almost 300 experts in EMEA, America, and Asia. This development will also enable Hopscotch Season to extend its consulting activities to promote art de vivre throughout the world, drawing on the group’s sector-specific expertise.

This complete integration of Sopexa into Hopscotch marks the latest stage in a story that began in 2016 with the group’s first stake in Sopexa. The merger was further strengthened in 2019, and today we are fully integrated under a new name: Hopscotch Season.

Clear SynergiesHopscotch Season and Hopscotch Groupe have many joint strengths to draw on. The group’s agencies bring to Hopscotch Season their various areas of expertise (events, digital, PR & Public Affairs), while Hopscotch Season brings its expertise in trade and in leading international coalitions of industry players, as well as its 30 agencies worldwide, and the 150,000 opinion leaders in its network.

“This definitive merger will enable Hopscotch Season to benefit from the group’s diverse expertise in digital events and PR, while Hopscotch Season will give us the benefit of its in-depth knowledge of local markets and consumer habits,” explains Valérie Bonnement, Hopscotch’s Deputy Managing Director.

Hopscotch Season also has a Business Intelligence team which produces studies on consumer patterns worldwide, feeding into the teams of the entire group. One example is the Wine Trade Monitor, a survey that deciphers trends in the international wine market.

Hopscotch Season and Hopscotch share many success stories since 2016.

An example is the IDF (International Dairy Federation) Summit, organized by Hopscotch Season in collaboration with other group agencies.

We can also mention the recent win for the furniture industry, won thanks to the collaborative work of Hopscotch Season & Hopscotch Event.

Hopscotch Season also works closely with teams from Hopscotch Interface Tourism, the group’s tourism vertical which joined Hopscotch in 2023, and benefits from their expertise across Europe. The combination of Season & Interface Tourism networks creates a worldwide operational network with a team of experts who understand the consumer habits in their different markets.

“We are delighted with this full 100% integration, which consolidates our global network and, by increasing the density of the Hopscotch brand around the world, enables us to accelerate our internationalization to support our clients,” clarifies Pierre-Franck Moley, President of Hopscotch Season & Managing Director of Hopscotch.

A New Name and a Changing DNASeasonality gives life to all plant forms, shapes the way we travel, and influences our homes and lifestyles. ‘Season’ also evokes the flavors that season our lives and our projects. More creative, more innovative, more ambitious than ever, Hopscotch Season continues to work to create commitment and federate communities aware of environmental and social issues.

With employees in 30 agencies, throughout every continent, Hopscotch Season focuses on understanding audiences and cultural specificities to create messages that resonate with everyone, create emotion, and make an impact.

More Art de VivreThis major development enables Hopscotch Season, with 60 years of expertise in the Food & Beverage sector, to extend its communications consultancy activities to other sectors, to promote art de vivre throughout the world, supporting all its brands and partners in the development of their image and identity.

Hopscotch Season is delighted to author a new chapter in its history with a major pioneer in events and public relations.

About Hopscotch

HOPSCOTCH is an international communications group founded in France, directed by its founders and its managers, all guided by a business vision carried forward by the complementarity of expertise.

HOPSCOTCH’s founding belief? “Global PR”, created around a unique mix of digital, event management, influence, public relations, and marketing services, for both art de vivre and corporate challenges.

HOPSCOTCH brings together in France (Paris, Lyon, Lille, Marseille) and internationally (4 continental hubs in Asia, America, Europe, & Middle East) more than 1,000 expert collaborators in all communication skills: influence, events, activation, digitalization, internal communications, public affairs, marketing services… 

Convinced that the value of an enterprise or organization resides in the care given to its capital of human relations, HOPSCOTCH structures its expertise around its own brand “Hopscotch” (Event / PR / Travel / Décideurs / Congrès / Luxe / Sport), and specialized agencies: AD crew, heaven, Hopscotch Interface Tourism, Human to Human, Le Public Système Cinéma, Le Public Système PR, Sagarmatha, Hopscotch Season.

HOPSCOTCH now has an integrated international network of 40 offices in 5 continents and operations in over 60 countries.

Listed on Euronext Growth Paris (ISIN code: ALHOP FR 00000 6527 8), the group represents a turnover of €271 million and a gross margin of €93 million in 2023.

Follow us: and on LinkedIn / X / Instagram @HOPSCOTCHgroupe 

About Hopscotch Season

Hopscotch Season is an international marketing & communications consultancy, whose multicultural teams have been specialists and enthusiasts of Food, Beverage, and Lifestyle for over 60 years. Hopscotch Season is a HOPSCOTCH Groupe agency. Together, they form an integrated international network of 1,000 talents and more than 30 agencies worldwide. Hopscotch Season is the leader in campaigns co-financed by the European Union, with more than 400 campaigns under its belt since 2012. An expert in integrated campaigns, Hopscotch Season advises, designs, and deploys media, PR, influencer, digital, event, and trade marketing campaigns tailored to each market.

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Press Contact

Jen Mc Lean
Director of PR – Hopscotch Season USA
[email protected]
Tel.+1 212 386 7440


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