Keep Palatine Stables Open Group Calls on Palatine Park District Board, Staff To Form Working Group, Reopen Stables Discussion at June 24 Meeting

Equine Welfare and Rider Show Season Participation Are Top the List of Immediate Concerns

PALATINE, Ill., June 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Citing animal welfare concerns, the group formed to Save Palatine Stables today called on Palatine Park District (PPD) officials to immediately form a cooperative working group to address Palatine Stables riders’ and boarders’ needs and animal welfare concerns.

The Save Palatine Stables group contends the Stables should remain open because they are in good operating condition, are a valuable community resource, and add value to residents. Deemed safe by an early May 2024 structural engineering report, the group’s concerns stem from the May 13, 2024 decision to close the stables without public input or equine specialists’ input. Unsubstantiated, inflated cost estimates created by PPD staff are also a concern to the organizers.

“Our group is ready to discuss cooperative measures to ensure the welfare of the 60+ horses housed there, keep the stables running and allow the students and riders who have worked so diligently to remain in competition,” said Jamie Berger, a spokesperson for the group. “We cannot fathom why PPD is ignoring the community’s wishes and refusing to work with riders and the highly knowledgeable equine community to ensure the animals’ welfare.”

Palatine resident Berger added that closing the stables in late July is discriminatory to riders who are in the middle of their 2024 show season.

“Riders competing in the Northern Illinois Hunter Jumper Association circuit will lose their horses and the ability to complete their season, which makes no sense since horses will be on site for Northwest Suburban Special Recreation riders,” she said.

The group also questions PPD’s $2.6 million estimate for barn repairs, as referenced in PPD’s May 14, 2024 closure announcement. Necessary repairs, outlined in a structural engineering report ordered by PPD and performed by a highly qualified firm, total less than $200,000. PPD’s widely touted $2.6 million estimate includes many improvements NOT outlined or marked as necessary in the engineering report, such as a new, coated roof and replacement of all barn poles.

The June 24th PPD board meeting is open to the public, for more information, visit

SOURCE Save Palatine Stables

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