Réseau Entreprendre Piemonte is renewed: Christian Zegna elected new President

Réseau Entreprendre Piemonte is renewed. The shareholders’ meeting unanimously elected the new President and the new Board of Directors, who will remain in office for the three-year period 2024-2027. Continuity with the previous mandate is ensured, among other things, by the presence of the Director Lisa Orefice.

The new President elect of REP is Christian Zegna, President and CEO of BTREES, a digital agency he founded in Biella in 2015 and which today also has an office in Turin and one in Reggio Emilia with over 30 collaborators and important national and international clients, including Banca Sella, Emilgroup, Julipet, GiGroup, Gruppo Fini and Billoo. BTREES, part of the holding company Ebano Spa led by Carlo Robiglio, was the first startup accelerated by Sellalab, Banca Sella’s innovation hub. Today, it is a leader in the Social&Web, SEO&Digital Analysis and Cross-Media segments.

Christian Zegna, born in Biella, born in 1984, is regional Vice President of Confindustria Piemonte and member of the COGE of the Biella Industrial Union with responsibility for Digitalisation; from 2020 to 2023 he was President of the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Piedmont. In the past, he worked on social innovation. Today, he tries to translate this social vocation into his way of doing business.

10 well-known entrepreneurs from the Piedmontese economy elected to the new Board of Directors:

Since 2020 President of Banco di Azzoaglio and since 2023 President of the FCA section of the Industrial Union of Turin. In 2021 he created the Archè Institute, a private lower secondary school in Mondovì. In 2023 he created the Azzoaglio Best Education Foundation, a non-profit organization of which he is President, which manages the Andrea Fiore private institute. Director of Anteos Capital and Doinn Innovation.

Founder and CEO SynDiag and A.I. Scientist in HealthCare. Training in Engineering and Mathematical Modeling of Complex Systems, Economics and Innovation Management. SynDiag creates digital gynecology tools to support doctors in interpreting ultrasound scans, enabling early diagnosis that reduces risks and mortality.

Intellectual Property Consultant and President of Metroconsult, a company that offers consultancy services for the protection and enhancement of intellectual property. Consolidated experience in Research, Development and Innovation in the field of Digital, ICT and Open innovation. Vice president of SETI, member of the Advisory Board of Piccola Industria at the Industrial Union of Turin, of the council of Anitec-Assinform and of the Executive Committee of LES Italia.

CEO of the Piedmont hub of Wonderful Italy, tour operator and Italian leader in the management of short-term rentals. In 2014, together with his partner Lavinia Fanari, he founded Torino Sweet Home, the first startup in the property management sector. In 2020 he joined Wonderful Italy, managing around 200 homes today, with a team of 4 employees and over 20 external collaborators.

General Manager of Colligo Spa, a leading company in the management of call center services, currently present in 3 countries with over 700 employees.

Since 2021, entrepreneur and business consultant in the HSE field, with many years of experience as a business mentor, business and personal coach.

Innovation Manager of Miroglio Spa, responsible for the Miroglio Innovation Program (MIP), a program created with the aim of promoting innovation within the companies of the Group present in 41 countries with 30 subsidiaries, 10 fashion brands and 1100 single-brand stores . Responsible for the corporate entrepreneurship activity that accompanied the birth and development of the first start-up of the Miroglio Group, The Color Soup, a web platform for printing fabric on demand.

President of the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Confindustria Cuneo and CEO of the historic family confectionery company Sebaste in Gallo d’Alba, he represents the fifth generation of the leading giant in the production of nougat and chocolate.

Since 2016, he has been a member and partner of Omniconsulting, a professional firm specializing in IT security. He is also DPO-Data Protection Officer and Lead Auditor 27001 for certification in various service companies, and since 2020 registered in the List of Innovation Managers drawn up by the MISE in the domain of competence relating to Cybersecurity.

CEO of Eurofork SpA since 2000, a world leading company in the design and production of handling devices and pallet shuttles totally made in Italy for the handling and storage of any load unit. Eurofork is also a Benefit Company.

The statements of the new President Christian Zegna

“I am very happy and enthusiastic about this appointment and I thank all the entrepreneurs who supported me” declares Zegna. “The new mandate will certainly be characterized by profound continuity with the previous one, led by Giovanni Radis, for whom I have great affection and respect. There has always been maximum alignment between us on the direction to give to Réseau. Thanks also to Lisa Orefice, who will be able to guarantee this continuity.”

“I want to make our association known to as many entrepreneurs as possible, to create opportunities, networks and support. My goal is to expand the number of members, and not just among young startuppers. I am convinced, also from personal experience, that Réseau can do great good not only for individual entrepreneurs, young and old, but also for the entire Piedmontese economic fabric. I will work closely with the Presidential Council to create opportunities, for members but also for the territory, with new partnerships and synergies. Finally, I intend to focus on the development of European projects that can connect us to regions and countries other than ours, to generate new business opportunities and exchanges between those who do business”.

On the occasion of the shareholders’ meeting that elected him, Zegna summarized the points on which he would like to focus his mission:

grow: reach at least 100 associated entrepreneurs, with 100% reciprocity, which means that, when they finish their accompanying journey, the startups join in turn

inspire: entrepreneurs inspire each other, with events and networking

connect: encounter worlds that you don’t yet know and push yourself further and further

influence: impact by creating virtuous models, to inspire other realities

stand out: do things that others don’t do, to continuously innovate businesses and territories.

The statements of the Director Lisa Orefice

“A deep thank you to Christian Zegna and to all the new members elected to the Board of Directors. If we were to represent REP, we could do it with a double T, which stands for Talents and Territories, which have always been, together, our mission. Today, new challenges and new ambitious growth objectives await us in the Piedmontese and Italian ecosystem, I am sure that we will be able to seize them in the best possible way, for the benefit of our economy and the communities in which we operate”.

The statements of former President Giovanni Radis

The outgoing President Giovanni Radis, who remained in office for two terms from 2016 to today, in his final speech wanted to recall the essence that makes Réseau Entreprendre Piemonte unique.

“REP is a business facilitator, capable of bringing impactful projects to life. We have always worked to also act as drivers for Italy, and the evidence proves us right: we have become a model for our country. I am proud and moved to have succeeded in this adventure, thanks to the help of our entrepreneurs who offer their time, free of charge, for mentoring and exchange activities. Best of luck to dear Christian Zegna for this new beginning, which I am sure will bear great fruit.”

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