Welcome to the New World of School-Home Communications

SEATTLE, June 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — It is a vision of a new era of intelligent and integrated school-home communication solutions powered by AI.Over the last year, Bloomz worked with many customers big and small and we have heard common themes.

You have told us that while Bloomz has been transformative for your district, school and classrooms, you have also described some universal pains that have yet to find solutions:

  • Uncovering the crucial conversations that need to be had at the right time is a challenge in the current environment
  • It takes significant effort and often requires multiple data points to make an informed decision about a student who needs attention
  • Continued silos of solutions make the communication a nightmare and a significant burden on parents to get a coherent view of their children
  • It still takes significant effort on educators to communicate with families of different cultures and language backgrounds
  • It is not easy to combine structured data (such as student’s behavior, attendance) and unstructured communication (such as messaging) seamlessly to present in a simple human digestible manner

For districts and schools both large and small, these pains add up. They cause massive frustration and cost you time, money, and lost opportunity to build meaningful relationships and help every child succeed . They have more in common than you might expect: They’re all symptoms of mismanaged communications. 

Communication is the heartbeat of every interaction but the critical information they need to include is often overlooked and trapped inside often siloed, structured and unstructured sources coming across multiple school solutions.

In fact, research from the Center for Digital Education shows that outdated communication systems and processes cost school districts nearly $3 billion in economic value each year!

It’s time to bring school-home communication management into the 21st century. 

Bloomz is the company with the best expertise and tools to do it, so we’re redefining our focus and opening up a new SaaS category, “Intelligent and integrated School-home Communication Management.” Bloomz is also announcing a new intelligent communications suite called Bloomz 3.0 with Positive pathways in that category.

Bloomz 3.0 with Positive pathways is a reimagined intelligent communication management platform that uses AI to make every step of the communication process smarter. We want to help you create smarter communications, connect structured data to those communications more efficiently, and actively manage them to unleash and realize their full value to help every child succeed.

We are building on 10+ years of innovation in unified communication space to deliver powerful solutions for our 30,000 global schools and districts and beyond. In late June, we’ll begin launching Bloomz 3.0 with Positive pathways for customers who want to start finding solutions to those universal pain points we all discussed.

Thank you for sharing your stories and joining us on this journey as we build the future of intelligent and integrated communication management for schools and districts.

SOURCE Bloomz Inc

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