Find TFG at Local Government Conferences Nationwide

TFG highlights community engagement and showcases expertise at national and regional conferences

WASHINGTON, June 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — TFG, a leading provider of federal advocacy and grant services, continues to demonstrate its commitment to local communities through active participation in conferences across the nation.

“Attending these conferences is invaluable for TFG,” said Roger Gwinn, TFG CEO. “Having our team present and engaging directly with those working at the community level gives us insight into the challenges communities are facing and allows us to tailor our services to meet those needs.”

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Engaging directly with those working at the community level gives TFG insight into the challenges communities are facing

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Here is where you can find TFG at upcoming events:

International City/County Management Association (ICMA) 2024 Annual Conference | Pittsburgh, Penn.

Zachary Israel, Principal and Manager of Legislative Affairs, and Heidi Schott, Grants Principal, are slated to present at the ICMA 2024 Annual Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in September. This conference, renowned for its educational sessions, will feature a diverse range of topics pertinent to local government leaders. TFG’s presentation on September 23 will build on the success of their previous sessions and explore innovative strategies for securing federal funding in an election year. Roger Gwinn, Jennifer Imo, Managing Partner of Advocacy, and Kristi More, Managing Partner of Grants, will also attend the annual conference.

California State Association of Counties Annual Conference | Los Angeles, Calif.

Kristi More and Heidi Schott along with Kristen Long, Senior Grants Specialist, and Chris Wagoner, Grants Specialist, will attend the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) 130th Annual Meeting in Los Angeles County in November. TFG and CSAC partnered to create the CSAC Grants Initiative (CGI) to help connect counties with federal, state, and foundation grants. CGI leverages CSAC’s knowledge of California communities and TFG’s over 40 years of experience to provide direct grant services to all California counties.

American Municipal Power Conference | Columbus, Ohio

TFG will also participate in the 2024 Annual AMP Conference in October. This conference brings together public power stakeholders to discuss issues and technologies affecting municipal systems, local government, and the electric utility industry in general. TFG will offer participants specialized federal funding information tailored to specific projects. In 2023, Chris Griffin, Senior Associate, and Wyatt Fritz, Grants Analyst, attended the conference to meet with AMP members and offer tailored funding opportunities to support priority projects and will do so again this year.

National Association of Counties (NACo) 2024 Annual Conference | Washington, D.C.

Additionally, TFG will attend the National Association of Counties (NACo) 2024 Annual Conference in July. NACo brings together leaders from over 3,000 counties nationwide to discuss the impact of federal policies on counties, hold workshops highlighting best practices, and provide opportunities for county leaders to connect. With county clients in 11 states, NACo not only represents an opportunity for TFG professionals to meet with clients but also to gain valuable insight into the topic issues impacting county government.

Here is what TFG experts have been up to this past year:

American Public Power Association (APPA) Legislative Rally | Washington, D.C.

Chris Kearney, Principal, and Lane Dickson, Principal, attended the American Public Power Association Legislative Rally with clients in February. This event brings public power utilities from across the country to D.C. to explain the impact of federal action at the local level to members of Congress and agency leaders.

Association of California Water Associations (ACWA) Conferences | Washington, D.C. and California

TFG is an active participant in Association of California Water Associations (ACWA) events throughout the year. In February, the National ACWA DC2024 Conference brought water managers from throughout California to D.C. Lane Dickson and Chris Kearney participated in the fly-in with multiple clients—helping to set up and attend congressional meetings as well as meetings with federal agencies. Lane also served as a conference panelist and spoke to attendees about effective advocacy strategies at the federal level. Chris offered his expert perspective on a panel about current water-related legislation in the 118th Congress as well as the potential impact of the 2024 elections on legislation in the upcoming Congressional session. Each year, TFG water experts also attend the ACWA Fall and Spring Annual Conferences and Expos held in California.

Family Farm Alliance Annual Conference | Reno, Nev.

Family Farm Alliance advocates on behalf of western irrigated agriculture to protect water resources and food security. Mark Limbaugh, President, moderated a panel on key federal policies relevant to western water stakeholders at the Annual Conference titled “Resilience in Every Drop: Safeguarding America’s Food Security” in February.

ICMA Local Government Reimagined Conferences | Palm Desert, Calif. and Boston, Mass.

As an ICMA Strategic Partner and Friend of NACA, Roger Gwinn, TFG CEO, and Nicole Sibilski, TFG Senior Grants Specialist presented, “Prompt Engineering: How Local Governments Should Utilize AI as Part of a Federal Funding Strategy,” at the ICMA Local Government Reimagined Conference in Palm Desert, California. The presentation focused on leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline the federal funding process. In April, TFG also participated in the ICMA Boston Local Government Reimagined Conference and NACA Idea Exchange regarding the implications of AI on public policy.

Idaho Water Users Association Annual Convention | Boise, Idaho

The Annual Idaho Water Users Convention brings together a broad array of water users to present innovative water use approaches for this generation and the next. Mark Limbaugh served as a panelist to provide a federal update on the latest legislative, grant, and regulatory information relevant to Idaho water users. 

Kentucky Hydrogen Summit | Lexington, Ky.

In June, the Kentucky Oil and Gas Association held the Kentucky Hydrogen Summit which offered informative session on hydrogen production and applications including low-carbon technologies. Chris Kearney presented an update from Washington, D.C. and provided insights into the impact of federal regulations on small oil and gas operators.

Mid-Pacific Water Users’ Conference | Reno, Nev.

Co-hosted by the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), the Mid-Pacific Water Users’ Conference is attended by managers, directors, operations and management personnel, consultants, and representatives from districts served by USBR facilities in California, Nevada, and Oregon. The conference spanned topics from floodplain management to water supply management and policy. Mark Limbaugh presented on the implications of legislation in the 118th Congress and the upcoming 2024 elections.

National League of Cities (NLC) Congressional City Conference | Washington, D.C.

Jennifer Imo, Charmayne Anderson, Partner, and Kaj Gumbs, Associate, attended the NLC Congressional City Conference in March. Thousands of city leaders attend this conference to learn and advocate on behalf of cities nationwide. TFG partners with cites in 17 different states and the conference enables our advocates the chance to connect with council members and city staff as well as learn about the key priority initiatives being advanced by NLC at the federal level.

North Carolina Law Enforcement Planners and Analysts Association (NCLEPAA) Annual Conference | Atlantic Beach, N.C.

The NCLEPAA Annual Conference highlighted topics in public safety including grant opportunities and 21st century technology. Dan Miglin, TFG Grants Specialist with over two decades of experience as a grant writer and over 30 years in law enforcement, presented in-depth insights into grant proposal development to conference attendees.

U.S. Conference of Mayors | Washington, D.C.

In January, Zach Israel and Jennifer Imo attended the Winter Meeting of the U.S. Conference of Mayors. Each year, mayors from across the country come together in Washington D.C. at the meeting to engage with the White House and Congress on key priority policies and issues.

Western States Water Council 2024 Spring Meetings and Washington Roundtable | Washington, D.C.

The Western States Water Council mission is to achieve cooperation among 18 western states to advance conservation, development, and management of water resources. Lane Dickson spoke on a panel to the Council’s Water Resources Committee regarding OpenET water data management and other policy efforts at the 2024 Spring Meetings and Washington Roundtable.

Founded in 1982, TFG has a long history of providing federal advocacy and grant services for over 200 entities across 31 states, including cities, counties, special districts, and public and private agencies. Since 2015 alone, TFG has helped clients secure over $5.1 billion for its clients.

For more information about TFG, please visit our website at

Contact: Alexandra YiannoutsosTFG
1901 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20006
Phone: (202) 717-5755
[email protected]

SOURCE The Ferguson Group, LLC

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