Vivid EV Releases Statement On ITC Preliminary Determination In LSPTV Trade Case

FT MYERS, Fla., Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — In a significant move towards promoting fair trade practices, the United States International Trade Commission (USITC) announced its affirmative preliminary determination in the case against unfairly traded imports of low-speed personal transportation vehicles from China. The investigation aims to address and rectify alleged product dumping practices that have affected the competitive landscape for domestic manufacturers. By imposing tariffs, the USITC seeks to establish a more equitable market environment and protect the interests of American manufacturers. This decision aligns with the ongoing efforts of companies like Vivid EV, which are dedicated to fostering an innovative and competitive electric vehicle sector in the United States.

Vivid EV is at the forefront of the electric vehicle revolution in the United States, proudly showcasing its American designed and built Anthem Pro line, crafted by Vivid’s dedicated team of experts. This state-of-the-art model, which boasts several patents pending, was launched earlier this year and has successfully been shipping products for the past five months. Our commitment to innovation is reflected in our collaborations with OEM customers, who are leveraging the Anthem Pro rolling chassis to develop their own electric carts. Recently, our CEO, Chris Herndon, expressed optimism regarding the USITC’s stance against unfair trade practices, highlighting the importance of this decision in maintaining a competitive landscape for American manufacturers and encouraging a thriving industry. Mr. Herndon went on to say that Vivid is committed to helping other OEM’s move to American designed and built carts.

Media Contact:

Joseph Wells


[email protected]


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