Abbey Laurel-Smith steps in to the race as a Know-Nothing Republican for President 2024, with a simple message, “Put me in charge! And watch me ReBuildUSAtoday”

NEW YORK, Aug. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Abbey Laurel-Smith, a Know-Nothing Party of America candidate, a reconstructionist with a passion to “rebuild not replace”, made public his candidacy for President, United States, 2024 at the Omni Berkshire Hotel Bar in Midtown, Manhattan, New York city last month.

In his opening statement, he promised a return to Henry Clay’s common “American” sense, as the best way to map out a future for the next generation of Americans. “This native “Know-Nothing” pedestrian and most realistic approach”, he claimed, “is the best way to go about setting up a type of economic security for decades to come.  It is also the best way to secure an environment that is not only sustainable to us all, but one that is safe, secure and adaptive enough to host a smart and a self regulating technology”.

He promised to ReBuildUSAtoday by, “securing the southern borders with ICBM tracking bases, space monitoring stations, military bases as well as boost the number of our navy’s footprint in the Gulf Coast. Tackling patrol and security impediments like land ownership, eminent domain and prohibition-era rules that are still in place in some southern border areas should never have been overlooked by previous administrations”, he said. Outside border issues, a creation of an avenue for professional job opportunities and training for military wives is key to this campaign.

“Our admin, our rules and our regulations are key towards enabling infrastructure update.  And the most impactful to start with will be a revision of our tax codes, a review credits and granted exemptions – so a few things could be graded and others updated to accommodate challenges poised by technology and changing work/living space.  Next will be to do away with cumbersome rules and regulations that have proven to be burdensome to startups and small businesses”.

These are important steps for tackling rising cost of living as well as revitalize the economy, because all in all it is imperative for this campaign and for my party, The Know-Nothing, re-energize small businesses, drive up the spirit of invention, boost channels of supply nationwide, as well as nurture entrepreneurship in economically depressed communities in the rust belt states, the farm states, and other neglected parts of the United States.

“Current challenges facing the country today” he says, “could not be addressed by continuing along the lines of current policies – foreign and domestic, and a military styled economic system that have proven to be harmful and detrimental to how we deal with our America’s safety, security, wealth disparity, affordable housing and issues of growth”.

“Hard to imagine”, he continues, “that some counties in the United States haven’t had a birth in the last six months. But if that is the reality in some parts of America of today, then it is the President’s responsibility to the American people to use policy instruments at his/her disposal to put an end to a few bad habits that are fashionable but dangerous and damaging to our traditional values. 

It is imperative we encourage and boost birth rates in Protestant American homes. It is the only way we can address this fast dwindling population of Americans, as well as replace those who are opting for the LGBTQ life style.

To start this rebuilding process, Abbey Laurel-Smith is proposing radical changes to the economy, the border, the military, the state department, as well as touching up on a long neglected and overlooked American tradition “Venia Clemetia” for a placeholder President.

On the economy, he promised a return to a pre WWII Anglo Protestant Economic System (APES) that served the country from 1812 to 1942. It is a system that gave precedence to value rate by cancelling out vanguard roles for speculated rates and as inflated rates.  It is the only way we could grow our economy, boost our GDP and evenly spread wealth, pride and home ownership back to rural areas.  Simply put, more goods that money in the system – fiat or real, will deflate current inflation. Things will be cheaper, affordable and competitive with options.

Second is a roll back of the foreign office and the state department to its earliest days –  when it was created around the Baptist and Methodist Churches. As a nation we don’t have a Pope or an Archbishop, yet these two bodies use the powers granted to them by this newly created office in July of 1789 to set up a plan that eventually led to the introduction of democracy and spread of christianity in Africa through the establishment of the sovereign state of Liberia in the 1800’s. 

Nothing wrong in adopting the same stance in the Middle East and in some parts of Asia today.

Third, we need to reckon with the fact that this is a placeholder Presidential election.  The last time we had anything like this was with Arthur Chester in 1881. Arthur Chester did not run for re-election so Venie Clementia could not be used to grand pardon to prisoners so they could vote in a placeholder election – as is traditionally expected.

This time we have a sitting Vice President running for re-election as a placeholder President. I sincerely hope to use this campaign to urge her to uphold this placeholders’ tradition by letting prisoners exercise their Grandfathers’ right to cast a vote for a placeholder President of their choice – even if they can’t vote by their own right. 

Fourth, the military served the American public better when it was known as The Army of the United States up till the Pershing wars. We need to shy away from being The United States Army and get back into a name that not only define a role, a commitment, a pride and a strict manner of conduct.

As Henry Clay once said, “the American sense might be seen as common, pedestrian and all too familiar, it is a lifeline, not a mere bargaining chip to be tossed around in a tavern”.

Put me in charge! And watch me ReBuildUSAtoday.

Follow my campaign, donate if you can, and help spread the word about The Know-Nothing Party of America, and about this partenal conservative running for President, United States, 2024.


Abbey S Laurel-Smith

[email protected] @The47thPOTUS_

SOURCE The Know-Nothing Party of America (SmithieForPresident 2024)

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