Publications – Position Paper: Future CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles

In May 2018, the European Commission is expected to come forward with a legislative proposal on regulating CO2 emissions from new heavy-duty vehicles.

The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) believes that CO2 standards for trucks should be based on the following principles:

CO2 standards should be combined with an integrated approach that looks at all variables influencing truck CO2 emissions, instead of only focussing on new vehicle technology.
The European Union should define its own approach to CO2 standards for trucks.
Focus should be on the entire heavy-duty vehicle and not on single components.
Any credible baseline for future standards must be based on VECTO-generated CO2 data.

With this position paper, ACEA wants to contribute to the ongoing discussions on the future CO2 regime for trucks by making 10 key recommendations for the regulatory framework.