Federal contracts can no longer go to cheap homes

At the start of the legislative process for a federal collective bargaining law by Labor Minister Hubertus Heil, Christiane Benner, First Chairwoman of IG Metall, said: 

“Work with a collective agreement means better pay and better working conditions. A high level of collective bargaining coverage is a crucial instrument for counteracting increasing inequality in income and, as a result, wealth distribution.

Adherence to collective bargaining agreements means a little more justice and perspectives. Federal contracts can no longer go to cheap homes. Especially now, in these turbulent times, the state must not promote any further wage dumping when awarding contracts. Politicians have a responsibility to use tax money responsibly. Collective agreements are the seal of quality for good working conditions. The Minister of Labor has our full support when it comes to the Federal Collective Bargaining Act.”

Further information and press photos from Christiane Benner

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