Why You Should Partner With a Criminal Defense Attorney for a License Suspension | Criminal Lawyer, Wichita

WICHITA, Kan., Sept. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Losing your driver’s license can negatively impact your daily life, hindering your ability to work, care for your family, and be independent. Life is already hard enough—don’t let the added stress of a license suspension weigh you down. Our team at the McConnell Law Firm is comprised of the top criminal lawyers in Wichita, Kansas, and has helped countless clients get their licenses reinstated. Don’t go at it alone; find out how an experienced criminal defense attorney can help you navigate a license suspension.

Navigating Legal Procedures

If you’ve ever dealt with a license suspension (or anything as minor as resolving a speeding ticket!), you know that the legal procedures you must follow can be confusing. Without proper knowledge, it can be tough to ensure you complete all the required paperwork and take the steps necessary to resolve your legal issue. And that doesn’t include challenging the suspension or negotiating reduced penalties! An experienced criminal lawyer will be well-versed in the nuances of license suspension cases and can guide you through the process, ensuring you comply with all deadlines and legal requirements.

“An attorney can help determine the cause of the suspension and help you take the necessary steps to get your license reinstated,” said Jonathan W. McConnell, founding criminal lawyer at the McConnell Law Firm. “It can be confusing, particularly if multiple jurisdictions and violations are involved. Our team can help pinpoint the issue, find out where fees need to be paid, and resolve other criminal matters, outstanding tickets, etc.”

Challenging Unlawful Suspensions

In some cases, license suspensions may be unlawful or result from administrative errors. If your suspension was based on incorrect information or you weren’t given proper notice of a court appearance, an attorney can help you take the necessary steps to retract the suspension. Not only will they review your case to ensure your suspension was handled in accordance with the law, but if any errors are found, they will fight to have your license reinstated or modified in accordance with the law!

Minimizing the Impact of Suspension

Even if a license suspension is unavoidable, a criminal lawyer can still help minimize its impact on your life. For example, an attorney might petition for a restricted or hardship license, allowing you to drive to and from work, school, or medical appointments. This can be helpful with maintaining employment and providing you with a sense of independence despite the suspension. Because your attorney will be familiar with your area’s specific legal system, they can help you apply for such licenses and create a compelling case as to why you should be granted limited driving privileges.

Protecting Your Driving Record

It should come as no surprise that traffic violations or criminal charges leading to a license suspension may affect your driving record, in turn negatively impacting your insurance rates and potential job opportunities (specifically in fields that require a clean driving history). Give yourself the greatest chance of protecting your driving record and minimizing the long-term impacts of a suspension, and partner with a criminal defense attorney!

Have You Been Accused?

If you are facing a license suspension, we encourage you to contact the McConnell Law Firm as soon as possible. While every case is different, and no conclusions should be drawn without first consulting a criminal lawyer in Wichita about the specifics of your case, it is always in your best interest to have a skilled attorney by your side from the beginning.

Request a Free Consultation

Do you or a loved one need the assistance of an expert criminal lawyer in Wichita? We encourage you to contact the McConnell Law Firm at (316) 243-5903 for a free consultation.


SOURCE McConnell Law Firm



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