Bosch will invest 100 million until 2019 in Mexico for the construction of a smart factory

Posted 04/24/2018 14:39:36 CET


The German manufacturer of automotive components Bosch is investing nearly 100 million euros in a smart factory for electronic components in Celaya (Mexico), which will open in 2019, as announced by the company in the framework of the Hannover Fair 2018.

As Bosch explains, bringing connectivity to factories and existing equipment is “fundamental” to the success of Industry 4.0, which has allowed the company’s industrial technology sales to increase by 7.7% in 2017, up to 6.700 million euros.

“Our portfolio of solutions for manufacturing and logistics is constantly growing, which means that we can gradually convert our vision of a completely connected value stream into reality”, assured the member of the board of directors with responsibility in Industrial Technology, Stefan Hartung .

The company notes that the only fixed elements of the factories are the floor, the walls and the roof, “everything else is mobile and connected”, so, among other things, the machines enter and exit “as necessary”, Assembly lines are lengthened or reduced and autonomous transport robots deliver the parts to the workers.

“The three pillars of the success of the factory of the future are people, machines and data,” said Hartung.

For its part, Bosch is also “gradually” building “benchmark” installations of Industry 4.0 in China, which by 2020 will be digitally equipped with new manufacturing processes.

“Industry 4.0 improves processes and offers greater productivity, which means that we are creating jobs,” added Hartung.

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