@Toyota: Toyota Tsusho Participates in the Container Terminal Operation Business of the Patimban International Port, Indonesia

  • Green Infrastructure


Toyota Tsusho Corporation (“Toyota Tsusho”) announced today that it has invested in PT. Patimban Global Gateway Terminal (“PGT”), which will operate a container terminal currently under construction at the Patimban International Port in Subang Regency, West Java, the Republic of Indonesia (“Indonesia”).

As a result, Toyota Tsusho will be involved in the operation of both container terminal and automobile terminal in Patimban International Port.

1. Background

Traffic congestion has been prevalent in the Jakarta Metropolitan Area, and at the Tanjung Priok International Port in northern Jakarta, logistics stagnation has been a long-standing issue such as with the continuous adverse effects on access to the eastern industrial zone, where many factories of Japanese companies exist. Therefore, as a national strategic project, the Indonesian government has been utilizing Japanese ODA loan to promote the construction of the Patimban International Port, which consists of an automobile terminal and container terminal, since 2018.

Toyota Tsusho has been operating the automobile terminal through its operating company, PT. Patimban International Car Terminal, since 2021.

2. Overview of the Project

Toyota Tsusho will operate the container terminal through PGT, together with Africa Global Logistics of the Mediterranean Shipping Company Group, the world’s largest container shipping company, and Samudera Pelabuhan Indonesia of the Samudera Group, a major shipping company in Indonesia*1.

PGT plans to begin operating the container terminal in 2026, gradually increasing its handling capacity and eventually expanding to approximately 3.75 million TEUs*2/year.

202502031400en_01.png 202502031400en_02.png
Rendering of Patimban International Port Location of Patimban International Port

By participating in the operation of the container terminal, in addition to the automobile terminal, at the Patimban International Port, Toyota Tsusho will contribute to further logistics reinforcement and economic development in Indonesia, which is experiencing remarkable economic growth.

Overview of PT. Patimban Global Gateway Terminal

Company name

PT. Patimban Global Gateway Terminal


Subang Regency, West Java


September 2024


Africa Global Logistics: 45% (France)
Toyota Tsusho Corporation: 34%
PT. Samudera Pelabuhan Indonesia: 21% (Indonesia)

Business description

Operation of container terminal at the Patimban International Port

*1 Business scheme


PPI: PT. Pelabuhan Patimban Internasional
Concession Agreement: Agreement signed by public institutions to grant business rights to private businesses
Cooperation Agreement: Agreement to subcontract the business rights granted under the Concession Agreement

*2 TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit): A unit that expresses the amount of cargo converted into a 20-foot container
Annual container handling volume at the Port of Yokohama is 3.02 million TEUs (2023).

(Reference) Overview of PT. Patimban International Car Terminal

Company name

PT. Patimban International Car Terminal


Subang Regency, West Java


November 2021


Toyota Tsusho Group: 34%
Toyofuji Shipping Co., Ltd.: 26%
Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha: 25%
Kamigumi Co., Ltd.: 15%

Business description

Operation of automobile terminal at the Patimban International Port

Our Efforts So Far

The information in this release is current as of the date of announcement.
Please note that information may change after the date of announcement. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

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