MILAN, Feb. 10, 2025 /PRNewswire/ — FlashStart, a company specialized in solutions for the protection of Internet browsing and already present in tens of thousands of companies, schools and public institutions in 161 countries, creates the fastest filter for safe browsing protected from malware and unwanted content in the world according to the independent service DNSperf.
The FlashStart navigation filter service offers a complete protection for networks and data against cyber attacks arriving through infected sites. The DNS resolver from FlashStart – considered to be the fastest in the world by DNSperf – doesn’t just offer very low response times, with minimal effect on navigation, but also guarantees 99,999999% trustworthiness. The DNSperf service in an independent benchmark of global importance, performs its IPv4 measurements with a timeout of one second. In FlashStarts case, the direct call speed to every DNS server results in being 13,78 milliseconds, a value that is almost two milliseconds lower in respect to CloudFlare, more than two milliseconds than Google DNS and almost six milliseconds than Cisco Umbrella.
The public certification offered by DNSperf is yet another confirmation of the markets recognition of the FlashStart offer. During the last two years the company have recorded a notable growth all over the world (+71,43% business growth from 2023 to 2024), thanks also to the agreements made with primary realities in the USA and various Service Providers, MSP (Managed Service Provider) and Resellers that wish to offer their Clients a valid instrument for their navigational protection.
The Telco market, together with the MSP and System integrator ones, represent a growth market for FlashStart.
“The net prevelance of attacks that happen come from the distribution by infected sites” – states Francesco Collini, the CEO of FlashStart -, this makes the FlashStart DNS filter the best compromise between efficiency and cost for company protection along with public entities. Thanks to the machine learning instruments and continual updating of dangerous sites database, the FlashStart platform guarantees trustworthiness that is present in very few other services in the world.”
Capable of filtering almost 2 billion queries, thanks also for its coordination with Anycast, FlashStart DNS every single day protects the navigation of 25 million verfied users and verifies 200 thousand new sites. Also, FlashStart DNS natively integrates with Active Directory from Microsoft, thus speeding up the personalised activies of management systems.
FlashStartThe FlashStart group operates in the Technology and Cyber Security sector, founded in 2001 in Europe with global cover. The DNS filter from FlashStart is a cloud platform for security, capable of filtering billions of access requests to Web Sites on a daily basis. The FlashStart solution is also incorporated and offered by various Internet services all over the world.
For more information
Laura Bartolini – PR
[email protected]
+39 0547 635020