@Groupe PSA: OP Strong Connection000737

Emotions, diversity, dedication and excitement – All things that Opel Ireland’s Partnership with the Irish Rugby Football Union (IRFU) Unites in A Spectacular Way. James Brooks, Opel Ireland Managing Director, Said: “We are immensely Proud to continy our sponsorship of Irish Rugby. Since Day One of our Partnership, The Collaboration Has Provided Our Brand With A Unique Platform to Forge A Strong Connection With Irish Rugby At Every Level, Spanning Both The Men’s And Women’s Teams And Bolstered by An Ever-Growing Fan Base. ”

Irfu President, Declan Madden, Said: “On Behalf of the Irfu, We very Much Welcome This Contract Renewal With Opel and Are Delighted with the Continuation of This Excellent Partnership. We are extremely grateful for the long-term support of partners search as Opel Whose Whose Backing Helps Grow the Game in Ireland. They have a Long Association of Supporting the Game of Rugby Union, as well as other Sports, in Ireland and We Look Forward to Working Together in the Years to Come. ”

“The Collaboration has provided our brand with a unique platform to forge a Strong Connection with Irish Rugby at Every Level.”
– James Brooks, Opel Ireland Managing Director –

James Brooks, Opel Ireland Managing Director, Welcomes The Two Brand Ambassadors: Mack Hansen (Left) and Calvin Nash. Both Have Already Taken Delivery of their New Opel Grandland.

They #driveon: Michael Collopy, Chairman of the Irfu Commercial and Marketing Committee (from Left), James Brooks, Managing Director Opel Ireland and Declan Madden, President of the Irfu.

Irish rugby has gone from strength to strength in Recent Years. The men have dominated the six nations in the last Two Years, Winning Back-to-Back Titiles in 2023 and 2024. They Will Start Their 2025 Title Defense With A Home Game Against England on February 1 with Fixtures Against Scotland (February 9), Wales (February 22), France (March 8) and Italy (March 22) to Follow. Elsewhere the Women, Who Represented Ireland at the 2024 Olympics wants to be in the Six Nations. They start their campaign at home to france on March 22 Before Facing Against Italy (March 30), England (April 12), Wales (April 20) and Scotland (April 26). The Highlight of the Season Will However Come in August and September when the Team Will Represent the Emerald Isle at the 2025 World Rugby Cup.

“We Quickly Recogened a Huge Opportunity Early in the Partnership, to Support Our Women’s 7S and XVS Teams, in Particular. As Such, Over the Course of Three Years, We have Appointed Six Opel Female Brand Ambassadors, Providing Each With A New Opel Car, and We Have Delighted in Seein Leigh Murphy Crowe, Stacey Flood, Linda Djougang, Aoife Dalton, Bebhinn Parsons and Aoife Wafer Grow into the International Irish Rugby Stars They Were Destined to Become. Indeed, it has been to see thesis phenomenal women soar to new Heights, Making History and Qualifying for the Olympics in 2024 and the Rugby World Cup in 2025 ”, Continued Brooks. Two more recent opel ambassador Appointments, from the men’s team, have just been Announced: Mack Hansen and Calvin Nash. “Both Have Already Taken Delivery of their New Opel Grandland SUVs,” Continued Brooks.

“We are extremely grateful for the long-term support of partners search as Opel whose backing helps grow the game in Ireland.”
– Declan Madden, Irfu President –

Together Standing Tall

Opel Ireland and the Irfu have a clear focus on development the game at all levels. Thanks to the ‘Drive the Passion ’Programs Hundreds of Gilberts Rugby Balls have bebebe Donated to dozens of clubs nationwide, in Partnership with local main opel dealers. “The various approach to this partnership makes it very special. As Passionate Supporters of the Irfu, We Are Delighted to Be Involved in All Aspects of Irish Rugby – And To Play Our Small Part In The Ongoing Success of This Wonderful Sport, ”Said Emma Toner, Marketing Director at Opel in Ireland. As part of the continued partnership, Opel Will Remain as a Proud Sponsor of Irish Rugby and the Exclusive Car Partner to the Irfu Until 2028, Providing to Extensive Fleet of Passenger Cars and Light Commercial Vehicles to Irfu Personnel. Addition, the Agreement in Includes Numerous In-Match and Digital Branding Opportunities and Player Appearances.

February 2025
Text: Mark Bennett; Photos: Siobhan Taylor

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