Renault Mobility – IKEA: Furniture transportation with your smartphone

by Thomas AUDEBERT


As of today, Renault through its subsidiary Renault Mobility launches a rental service with commercial and private vehicles to transport furniture from store to home. Available at the IKEA Villiers Paris pilot site (Villiers-sur-Marne 94) and progressively at all IKEA sites in France.


– I’m telling you your shelf does not fit in the Twingo there…
– Yes, it will. You’ll see.
– No, I’m telling you, it’s too long.
– Well, what do you want to do? Leave the shelf?
– …

The situation is known, the errands are planned, the purchases made and at the time of loading the car, disaster, impossible to make everything fit in. From now on, no more trouble thanks to Renault Mobility.

A simple, efficient and 100% digital solution from the Renault Group to rent a vehicle for an hour or for the day. Private or commercial vehicle, thermal or electric, it is up to you to choose the type of car and for how long.

In France, you can now find them in the car parks of your IKEA stores. Trafic, thermal Kangoo and electric Kangoo as well as ZOE are at your disposal to transport your furniture.

How does it work?

Simply by downloading the Renault Mobility app (available on all stores) onto your smartphone and be guided by the application.

In a few clicks, a selfie and some information to provide (such as driving license), the registration is done in 15 minutes maximum. All that remains is to choose from a wide choice of vehicles, depending on your needs.

What if we don’t have a vehicle to go to IKEA?

It is possible to pick up a Renault Mobility vehicle at an agency near your home, the application geolocates you and shows you the nearest one. You choose your vehicle and your duration and you can do your shopping!

Renault Mobility and IKEA, united around similar values such as a sense of service and sustainable and shared mobility for all, are joining forces to make life easier for their customers. Faithful to its “Easy Life” DNA, with Renault transporting furniture has never been so simple! With this partnership, Renault is demonstrating its ability to innovate, serving as many people as possible, by offering shared mobility services in urban areas.

The Renault Mobility-IKEA partnership is a gradual deployment throughout the 32 IKEA stores of IKEA network in France until September 2018. Ultimately, 300 vehicles will be made available, divided between ZOE, Kangoo, Kangoo Z.E. and Trafic.

Renault Mobility is a Renault car-sharing offer available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day and 100% digital, from registration to reservation. In case of problems, a hotline is available.

