BVRLA Three-Year Plan unveils major investment 

The BVRLA has published a Three-Year Plan which shows significant investment being made in the association’s infrastructure, research and internal and external expertise to ensure it can address the unprecedented range of challenges facing the sector.

Having a better resourced trade association will enable the BVRLA to have stronger industry representation, be a louder voice of influence and deeper industry insight. A wider service offering will also help to deliver greater membership value.

Key investments that the BVRLA is making include:

• Recruiting new staff to boost its campaigning, communications, governance and training work.• Working with external agencies to increase its constructive engagement with MPs, policymakers and local authorities.• Increasing investment in research so that the association can paint a clearer picture of what is happening in the industry.• Investing across its digital platforms to provide members with more useful and timely communications.• Tightening the requirements of its inspection regime and improving the level of feedback and support that is provided to members.• Rolling out a new e-Learning Platform and increasing the range of training and development opportunities on offer.

A one-pager has been produced to help the association to communicate its priorities over the next three years as it works to support members and protect the interests of the vehicle rental and leasing industry. This can be downloaded here from the BVRLA website.

You can also read the association’s press release: 2018: A year of growth and investment for the BVRLA, issued on 1 March 2018.