Renault manufactures in Seville the 28 million unit of its TL4 gearbox after 60 years of production

Posted 05/11/2018 12: 53: 58CET


The Renault car company has manufactured in its factory in Seville the 28 million unit of its TL4 six-speed manual gearbox, which began production in 1958, the company announced in a statement.

The Seville factory is considered, according to the company, as a “strategic” mechanical components plant for the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance, since it covers 33% of the Renault Group’s gearbox needs and exports 80%. % of your production. The 28 millionth gearbox will be sent to the Nissan plant in Sunderland (United Kingdom).

“Having already manufactured 28 million gearboxes demonstrates our commitment and our know-how, the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance can trust us in the face of new projects for the future”, said the director of the Seville factory, Alfonso García-Agúndez.

For its part, the Sevillian factory stands out for being “at the forefront” of the 4.0 industry, thanks to the digitalization of its processes and the “high” degree of automation of its production lines. This achieves a double objective, increase competitiveness and improve the work environment of the operator.

“It is a source of pride that the plant turns 60 years old with the quality, innovation and competitiveness indexes that it has right now”, added García-Agúndez.

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