Construction Commencement of GWM Manufacturing Base …

On March 28, construction of GWM Manufacturing Base in Yongchuan, Chongqing (hereinafter referred to as “the Project”) was formally commenced in the Phoenix Lake Industrial Park, High-tech Zone, Yongchuan District. Wei Jianjun (Chairman of GWM), Meng Shujie, (General Manager of GWM (Chongqing)), Lu Kehua (Vice-Mayor, People’s Government, Chongqing Municipality), Teng Hongwei (Secretary of Yongchuan District Party Committee) and other leaders witnessed this commencement. 

 Currently, the Project has an investment of RMB 4.5 billion and covers an area of 1,200 mu. This base mainly serves to manufacture Great Wall pick-ups and HAVAL SUVs. The preparatory period of the Project is 18 months and we aim to build a “low-carbon, green, smart and modern” base with standard layout and smooth logistics. It is expected after operation by the end of 2019 that 160,000 vehicles and correspondingly matched parts and components can be manufactured and an annual value of production of RMB 24.9 billion can be realized just from vehicle manufacturing, with annual profits and taxes of about RMB 5 billion and nearly 10,000 jobs available. 

 Chairman Wei Jianjun said that, “For this project, GWM will run at a higher and newer starting point. To be specific, we will provide advanced manufacturing equipment and work out a scientific planning of manufacturing base and supporting facilities in the park. What we want is a long-term stable development. 

As a Chinese brand that cannot be belittled, GWM has been active recently. From establishing high-end brand (WEY) to cooperating with BMW MINI and now commencing to construct vehicle manufacturing base in Chongqing, all of these show the commitment of GWM to be stronger. After this new base is put into operation, GWM will have four manufacturing bases, respectively in Baoding, Tianjin, Xushui and Chongqing. The Chongqing manufacturing base is, in a real sense, GWM’s “first step” to go out and will help GWM increase its overall capacity. This is of great strategic significance for GWM’s development.