PSA in Vigo will start “in coming days” the serial production of the K9, for its launch in summer

Published 05/30/2018 16:53:00 CET


The director of the center of the PSA Group in Vigo, Frédéric Puech, has confirmed that the projects of the factory go “as planned”. Thus, he said that “in coming days” will start serial production of the K9 model, whose launch “will be this summer,” and the preparation of the V20 will begin “at the end of summer, to have the launch next year. “

He has ratified it in a press conference on Wednesday, in the framework of the visit made by the pilot Carlos Sainz to the factory, where Puech has indicated that the launch of new models is “an important change” for both the factory and suppliers, and has emphasized that its goal is “to win – the – race that is this launch”.

In this regard, said that the transformation of assembly lines requires “an important time”, but in any case has stressed that this year will have “the opportunity to have a new production record with the two cars.”

“If we add the B9 (which will be done in system one) and the K9 (in system two) I think this year will also be a production record” compared to last year, when the factory also exceeded its own record, with 307,000 units, has endorsed.


Puech has expressed his satisfaction with the visit of “a great champion like Carlos Sainz”, winner this year of the Dakar Rally at the wheel of a Peugeot 3008, victory that coincides with the 60th anniversary of the factory. “We appreciate that you share your experience and we can show you the work we do in this factory, under the commitment of excellence,” he added.

“We have many reasons to congratulate ourselves, but being in the permanent improvement is the only way to continue to lead,” he stressed, insisting that the PSA factory in Vigo is “in full swing”.

For his part, Carlos Sainz has congratulated the factory on its 60th anniversary, as well as “all workers”, and has recognized “the complexity” of making “such a factory as efficient”, that “it is veteran but it is still the number one”. In addition, he said he was “delighted” to visit Vigo and Galicia, for being a “land with great passion for the world of motor and ralis”.


Questioned by journalists about how he sees the future of autonomous cars, Carlos Sainz has stressed that he enjoys driving, because “one expresses and enjoys driving”, and therefore would like to “have the option” of being able to continue driving manually.

In addition, it has considered that competitions of autonomous cars that lacked the human factor “would stop having interest” for him. “It would be interesting for engineers, but personally maybe seeing it once would come to me,” he explained.

In this context, has recognized that the autonomous car is “very fashionable” and is “what the factories tend”, but has pointed out that “also the fashions sometimes change”.

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