Car manufacturers are betting to reduce the barriers to drive the electric car

Posted 01/06/2018 14: 01: 23CET


Car manufacturers insist on the importance of breaking barriers that prevent the large-scale installation of the electric car, such as the lack of charging infrastructure or the vehicle’s own autonomy.

At the global sustainability summit ‘Movin’On 2018’, which takes place from May 30 to June 1 in Montreal (Canada), the president of Nissan in North America, Denis Le Vot, pointed out that the “psychological barriers” of the users before an electric vehicle are being reduced, although there is still much to improve, especially in autonomy.

However, Le Vot was confident that all the problems surrounding the electric car will be overcome and, consequently, the development of the vehicle will be faster and faster. “Right now there are barriers to where to load the vehicle and the range of autonomy of the vehicle, everything will come, but the question is how fast,” he said.

In addition, the manager of the Japanese firm said that for Nissan the electric vehicle and the autonomous “go hand in hand.” According to Le Vot, in the future, the wheels of an autonomous car will be located at the end of the passenger compartment, giving greater interior space to the car.

For his part, Audi’s Vice President of Sustainability, Peter Tropschuh, also denounced the lack of infrastructure and called for a “political impulse”. Tropschuh also stressed the need for a “powerful” battery development industry in Europe and the United States.

“You can not depend so much on Asia, we have to put them in front of you, make batteries smaller and cheaper,” he added. In this regard, he claimed the support of the authorities. “In the next few years, most of the vehicles will be combustion, the way forward is to electrify diesel and gasoline, and manufacturers and authorities must agree on the next steps,” he said.

In addition, the director of Audi stressed the importance of automotive firms collaborate with each other to develop charging infrastructure. He also stressed that electric vehicles will be positive as long as the recharge energy is produced by renewable sources.

At the Canadian meeting, the head of Mobility and Connectivity Services of the PSA Group, Brigitte Courtehoux, also spoke, explaining that one of the first priorities of the French automobile consortium is to offer all kinds of transport solutions to its customers.

Courtehoux gave the example of the long-term rental formula of the gala multinational ‘Free2Move Lease’, with which users can always have a rental vehicle adapted to their needs and a “wide range” of services

“The new generations demand easier experiences and do not want to own a car, we have to offer them different solutions, such as car sharing.” We have to be able to, for example, leave home to go to work and find a car close, “he added.

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