Guide company party

25.05.2018 Ι Company celebrations are good for the working atmosphere and the motivation of the employees. In most cases. But a company summer party can quickly become a slalom for blunders. We give tips on how to survive a summer party unscathed.

Some have been looking forward to celebrating once again with all their colleagues and supervisors since the last party, others would like to stay away from the party. But just do not go – is that advisable? It is clear that nobody can be forced to participate. If you do not want, you do not have to participate. However, if the party falls into regular working hours, albeit only partially, it may be necessary to work in the event of non-participation. If, due to the absence of colleagues or supervisors, the performance of the work is not possible and no other reasonable work can be assigned for the duration of the celebration, one may – if the supervisor agrees – go home or stay at home. But: The employer may not order forced leave if he / she does not participate.

Anbandeln in the circle of colleagues

Company celebrations are the ideal breeding ground for flirting. There are no reliable figures on how many marriages were made during a company party. But it may be assumed that it is less than smacking and one-night-stands, which one repents in retrospect. Therefore prefer to renounce caresses under the influence of alcohol. A serious interest in the colleague can also be expressed without wild fumbling in the eyes of the entire workforce – for example, with an invitation to the cinema or for dinner. Conversely, if a colleague becomes too attached, you should politely but directly show the boundaries.

Chiefs duzen

Again and again it happens that executives make concessions in alcoholized state promise long-awaited or out of the blue offer the “you”. No one should expose his boss by addressing him the next day. In other words, if you had a party before the Christmas party and the brotherhood was carried out in the apparent intoxication, the next day you will also be singing. Only when the supervisor then again offers the “you”, it applies. Then the excuse helps: “Excuse me, I have not gotten used to it yet.”

The thing with the alcohol

With a swipe so many employees come to strange ideas. Even if the boss donated wine or other alcoholic beverages, one should not forget: At a company party you find yourself in your normal working environment. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful. Anyone who dances too much on the table or lies underneath it after a few glasses does not only endanger his or her professional advancement. The reputation among colleagues suffers from such derailments.

Anyone who insults, harasses or even injures superiors or colleagues risks behavioral, in some cases even a termination without notice. An extensive company party is also no excuse for missing the next day. Anyone who is ill must go to the doctor and submit a certificate of incapacity. If a worker lacks excuse for extensive celebrations on the following day, he must expect a warning. If he repeatedly fails without excuse, this can even lead to termination.

Funny party photos

At a plant party, it’s usually funny. Often then a photographer is not far and holds situations with his camera. If the photos subsequently end up on the intranet or on Facebook, often not every employee is enthusiastic. In fact, the personal rights of employees could be violated here. Before employers publish these photos on the company website or on the Internet, workers generally agree.

Safe celebration

To ensure that the event is protected by the statutory accident insurance, various conditions must be met:

For example, the celebration must be in the interests of the company and serve business purposes.
The meeting was intended to foster the bond between management and employees and employees.
The event must also be accessible to all employees – for larger organizations for organizational reasons of at least one complete department – and be conducted or at least approved by the management itself. This can be assumed, for example, if the management bears the costs or grants the corresponding exemption during working hours.
Accident protection exists on the direct round trip as well as outside the company premises.
During the celebration, all activities are covered by insurance that are compatible with the common purpose – for example, food, sports, games and dancing. Also secured are the preparations of the festival and the Aufräumätigkeiten thereafter. Celebrating guests or spouses are not insured.

The end of the celebration is determined by the boss. If he decides the event officially, subsequent accidents after further baggers or even a change of location are no longer covered by the company accident insurance. If the end has not been officially announced, it depends on whether there are still more supervisors and several colleagues present. For example, if there is only one head of department with one employee and all the others have gone home, in any case no accident insurance cover is guaranteed (according to the Hessische Landessozialgericht of 26 February 2008 – L 3 U 71/06 -, UVRecht Aktuell 2008, 692-699) ).

Questions or problems?

In case of conflicts, questions or ambiguities, the works council should be consulted. Union members also receive expert assistance from the IG Metall on site, Some things may possibly be settled out of court. The judicial system is protected by trade union law.

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