Mitsubishi Motors Corporation uses the system of “Tradable Green Certificates” at its shareholders’ meeting.

Mitsubishi Motors Corporation has entered into a contract with Japan Natural Energy Company Limited (JNEC), utilizing the system of “Tradable Green Certificates (*),” and purchased the certificates from JNEC (25,000kWh). Mitsubishi Motors Corporation is going to utilize the certificates to cover all electricity to be used during its upcoming 49th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled for June 22.


Mitsubishi Motors Corporation has set measures to address climate change and to accelerate the shift to renewable energy as its crucial business challenges, and promotes the introduction of renewable energy in various ways as part of the activity to realize a carbon-free business environment. In Fiscal Year 2018, we are planning to utilize Tradable Green Certificates to cover all electricity to be used in our new R&D office (Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture), which will be launched in October 2018, as well as our new head office (Minato-ku, Tokyo) to which we will relocate in January 2019.


(*): The system of “Tradable Green Certificates” has been established to trade the environmental added value of electricity generated by natural energy (=renewable energy) in the form of “Tradable Green Certificates.” The Tradable Green Certificates are issued by a third-party organization: Japan Quality Assurance Organization (general incorporated foundation).





Mitsubishi Motors Corporation is a global automobile company based in Tokyo, Japan, which has a competitive edge in SUVs and pickup trucks, electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. The company launched the i-MiEV – the first mass-produced electric vehicle in 2009, which was followed by the OUTLANDER PHEV in 2013 – a plug-in hybrid market leader in Japan and Europe. Mitsubishi Motors has 30,000 employees and a global footprint with production facilities in Japan, Thailand, China, Indonesia, Philippines and Russia. Models, such as the PAJERO SPORT/MONTERO SPORT, TRITON/L200 and OUTLANDER play a major role in achieving its growth. The global sales volume in fiscal year 2017 was 1,101,000 units, and the net sales of Mitsubishi Motors for fiscal year 2017 was 2.19 trillion yen. Mitsubishi Motors is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.