Geofencing and Push Notifications: Continental Refines its TIS-Web Motion Fleet Management Solution

New functions offer even greater efficiency
Easy operation: First TIS-Web service to offer new, completely redesigned user interface

Hanover, September 19, 2018. In the future, it will be even easier to get comprehensive fleet information in real time and manage vehicles efficiently – with the new version 2.0 of VDO TIS-Web Motion. The technology company Continental has extended the services of its proven fleet management software VDO TIS-Web by adding numerous functions and completely redesigning the user interface. “VDO TIS-Web Motion 2.0 enables us to offer a comprehensive solution to companies in the transport industry which alleviates high cost pressure and attains a new level of efficiency,” emphasizes Dr. Lutz Scholten, Director of Tachographs, Telematics and Services at Continental. The software gives dispatchers for small to mid-size fleets a comprehensive overview of their drivers and vehicles. Along with new planning functions, the developers at Continental VDO TIS-Web Motion have added such features as geofencing and push notifications.

Accelerate loading and unloading processes and maximize operating times

Where are my drivers and vehicles? How well are they being utilized? What are the driving times and rest periods? Fleet managers can get these answers in real time with VDO TIS-Web Motion. The information is now updated on the dashboard every five minutes – and dispatchers can react just as quickly, e.g. to take on additional loads or modify routes. New functions now make planning even easier and more manageable. For instance, the routes of all vehicles can be tracked directly in a map view. For better differentiation, the different trucks can be shown in different colors. When the user clicks a vehicle symbol with the mouse, a popup window appears with detailed information.


Continental ensures continuous enhancement of its fleet management solutions. © Continental AG

In addition, filters enable a quick search to find out load capacities or the availability of a driver. In the driver and vehicle overviews, there are practical lists of shift details, remaining driving times and driving and resting times. The data is also retroactively available via the report function. A new translation function further simplifies handling.

Another highlight feature is geofencing. If the vehicle crosses a preset boundary on the map, a notification automatically appears on the dashboard. This enables transport companies to announce the precise time, to the minute, of when a delivery will arrive. In turn, this accelerates loading and unloading processes and minimizes vehicle downtimes. Push notifications are also new. Fleet managers can configure, for themselves, the events they want to trigger notifications. When they receive a notification of a tire pressure problem, for instance, the problem can be corrected faster. Anticipatory maintenance maximizes operating hours while saving fuel.

Well organized and intuitive: the new TIS-Web dashboard

Continental has completely redesigned the user interface of VDO TIS-Web Motion 2.0. The goal is to give fleet managers all of the information that is important to their work at a glance. Widgets are used to inform them of outstanding tasks, see which drivers are available and in the vicinity, and to get messages about vehicle management. When a widget is called up, the user sees details and can switch directly to the related feature. Thanks to responsive design, fleet managers can use VDO TIS-Web Motion 2.0 on a desktop, tablet or smartphone. The advanced, intuitively operated user interface will be rolled out to all TIS-Web services over the course of 2019.


In the future, it will be even easier to get comprehensive fleet information in real time and manage vehicles efficiently – with the new version 2.0 of VDO TIS-Web Motion. © Continental AG

TIS-Web adapted to DTCO 4.0

The technology company has already adapted the currently available version of the fleet management software to the requirements of the new, intelligent DTCO 4.0 tachographs today, so that users can remain compliant to all statutory regulations. Continental is offering a simple and cost-effective entry-level solution to fleet management in the form of its VDO TIS-Web Motion product. Those managers who are already fulfilling statutory archiving requirements for driving times and rest periods with VDO TIS-Web can simply add on the VDO TIS-Web Motion service and benefit from its additional functions. VDO TIS-Web Motion can be ordered from trade outlets. There is no minimum contract period for the service. The fee is billed monthly and is based on the number of vehicles.

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