Three more stops in Mirafiori: Fiom calls for joint actions with FIM and UILM and “calls” the institutions

Another three day stop on the horizon for Mirafiori Car body shop. They are those of 15, 16 and 17 October, which will see about 2500 workers abandon their normal duties to follow some vocational training activities.

A stop that, however, comes a few days after the alarm that the trade unions, this time for the voice of Fim-Cisl, have relaunched on the future, but especially on the present of the FCA Torinese plants. And on this subject Fiom-Cgil has returned to be felt, always among the most critical voices. “The alternation between courses, holidays and (little) production at Mirafiori’s Carrozzeria continues, where the declining volumes of the Maserati Levante SUV are accompanied by the exhaustion of the social shock absorbers”, says Federico Bellono, provincial secretary of the metalworking trade union of Cgil, a few days after the expiry of his term.

“It is useful to remember that in the last three weeks the production has stopped for eight working days out of fifteen, and with this last communication will be 11 out of 20 – continues Bellono, which opens to other confederate abbreviations, always on separate positions compared to Fiom – Finally, all the trade unions agree to express a strong concern about the situation of the FCA factories in Turin, in particular the “alleged” luxury pole of Mirafiori and Grugliasco, where solidarity contracts continue. in a short time, common initiatives “.

But in addition to the other unions, Fiom-Cgil is in the company looking for an interlocutor. “The company, that is, the new management and the new property, what are they waiting to communicate their intentions? Government and local institutions, instead, think to continue to stay at the window? It is only a problem of the workers the fact that not being today After the start of new investments, will 2019 be even more complicated than 2018? We are faced with an inexplicable “privacy”, like on the sale of Magneti Marelli: someone, in addition to the unions, asked about the future of the 8 Turin plants that 3200 people? “.

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