Collective agreement textile services

19.10.2018 Ι Starting in February, collective wages and salaries in Textile Services will increase by 3 percent. In addition, partial retirement is extended and improved. Employees in the East and apprentices benefit particularly. IG Metall and employers have agreed on that.

The roughly 14,000 employees in the textile-related companies involved in textiles services, such as laundries, receive more money: 3 percent more from February. In addition, a one-time payment for November to January of 200 euros for full-time employees, for part-time employees proportionately. The now agreed new collective agreement on wages and salaries runs until February 2020. The IG Metall and the industry association Textil Service (intex) at the second nationwide collective bargaining agreement in Dietzenbach in the German state of Hesse agreed on this outcome.

In addition, the collective agreement on partial retirement will be extended. In addition, the increase for new partial retirement contracts increases by 18 euros to now 540 euros a month.

Actions of the Textile Service Employees for Collective Bargaining 2018

Eastern employees and apprentices benefit particularly

The employees in the East German textile service companies benefit particularly from the collective agreement. They receive the absolute euro increases from the West, increasing their currently even lower collective wages by more than 3 percent. In addition, their holiday and Christmas bonuses increase disproportionately to 350 euros or 680 euros.

For the trainees, the negotiating commission of IG Metall has achieved a disproportionate increase. You will receive a one-time payment of 85 euros and from February 32 euros more training allowance per month.

IG Metall realizes most of its demands

Originally the collective bargaining committees of IG Metall had demanded 5 percent more money. The chosen collective bargaining committees of the individual collective bargaining areas consist predominantly of employees from the companies. Other demands included the continuation and improvement of partial retirement and the further adjustment of working conditions in the East to the West level.

“We have come a good deal closer to the goal of equalizing wages in the East to the West,” explains IG Metall’s negotiator Thorsten Senhen. “In addition, employers have agreed to negotiate with us on further harmonization of collective bargaining conditions.”

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