New works council at A-Kaiser agreed to reduce temporary work

24.10.2018 Ι Every year, five percent less temporary workers. This has been enforced by the works council at the automotive supplier A-Kaiser in Lower Bavaria Aicha by company agreement. Eleven temporary workers have just been taken over.

Eleven temporary workers have just been taken over by the automotive supplier A-Kaiser in the Lower Bavarian town of Aicha vorm Wald. You benefit from a new company agreement, which the works council concluded in mid-September. The agreement stipulates that the company takes on 15 temporary workers each year – initially for a limited period of one year. At the same time, the number of temporary workers is reduced by five percent each year.

The newly elected works council in March made temporary work a top priority. Nearly 200 of our 720 employees are temporary workers, criticizes works council chairman Werner Müller. “Therefore, it was clear: The temporary work is tackled first.”

On the left Andreas Süß, on the right Werner Müller (Photo: IG Metall)

In addition, wages are also rising by 2.5 percent now and by 1.8 percent next year – in total by 4.3 percent, which is at a similar level to the pay rise in the metal and electronics industries in the spring. This has promised the management in talks. At A-Kaiser is currently no collective agreement.

New works council under the motto “time for change”

“Time for the change” – under this motto, the list of the new works council chairman Müller and his deputy Andreas for the first time in spring for the works council election. “For me, the main reason was that IG Metall was no longer present in the company,” says Müller. “The workforce no longer felt represented and was very dissatisfied, and I wanted to change that and seek a new alliance with IG Metall.”

The workforce, including many Czech colleagues, felt the same way: the “time to change” list got by far the most votes in the poll. And although the works council consists of several lists, all works councils pull together.

After the regulation and limitation of temporary work and the wage increase, the works council has initiated the election of a youth and trainee representation – for the first time in the history of the company.

In the coming months, the works council wants to qualify to master future challenges. In addition, Müller, Süß and the other IG Metall works councils gain additional employees for IG Metall. Just 20 workers have signed their membership application within a week.

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