Dispute about diesel retrofitting: VW boss Diess calls for a more factual debate

VW boss Herbert Diess

“Still, I find the discussion we are conducting now too emotional.”

(Photo: AP)

Berlin Im Controversy over possible diesel driving bans because of too dirty air in German cities has VW-Konzernchef Herbert Diess a criticized too emotional discussion. “We already see responsibility for us, especially at Volkswagen,” he said on Thursday in the ZDFShow “Maybrit Illner”. “Still, I find the discussion we are conducting now too emotional.”

At the same time Diess stressed that Volkswagen Do not object to hardware retrofitting. If there are appropriate legal solutions, VW will participate in it – “if the customer wants it then”. However, VW wants to continue to bear the cost of only 80 percent. In addition, the affected diesel vehicles are according to the software updates to “100 percent compliant”.

Chancellery Minister Helge Braun (CDU) made meanwhile clear: “There is a clear expectation that the diesel customers are not asked to pay.” The corporations would have to take care of the car owners – and the municipalities would have with regard to about intelligent traffic control one Task.

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