We’re Investing in Your Success. Here’s How:

From showing you weekly demand predictions to helping you earn 20% more in tips, we’re building your most-requested app features and improvements.

We’re designing every one of them to address the areas you’ve told us are most important to you:

  • Making it easier to drive,

  • Helping you earn more,

  • Keeping you supported and safe.

Because we know every update affects your business — whether it’s a major improvement or a tiny tweak. That’s why everything we’re building is driven by you.

Clear predictions about when and where demand is highest help you make the most of every minute on the road.

Our latest improvements:

  1. All available bonuses — now front and center.

  2. Hourly demand predictions.

Weekly forecasts on where to find high demand — and earnings.

Improvements to the tipping experience help you earn 20% more in tips, and make it easier for passengers to thank you for all the ways you go above and beyond.

Our latest improvements:

  1. Now passengers can tip you from the moment the ride begins.

  2. Or automatically after every trip.

A new way to protect your rating ensures you have the support you need when stuff you can’t control impacts your experience.

Our latest improvements:

  1. We’ll drop the lowest rating from your average.

  2. We’ll remove low ratings for stuff you can’t control.

  3. Passenger forgot to rate? You’ll get 5 stars.

And that’s just the start. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for even more improvements, every one designed to help you reach your goals.

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