Company 15.11.2018 Herbert Diess as a Driver inside spoke with the Volkswagen CEO about learning to drive, radar monitoring and sports cars. mehr

Do you listen to the radio in the car?Not very often. If the radio is on, it’s usually the NDR 2 station. I use most of my drive time for phone calls.

Do you drive a lot?That all depends how you define it. I 
log between 20,000 and 30,000 kilometers per year.

And what do you prefer – stick shift or DSG dual-clutch transmission?I still like stick shift sometimes, 
but the DSG system is very easy to use, and I wouldn’t want to give it up.

Do you parallel park on your own or do you use the parking assistant?I usually parallel park on my own, but I’m glad the electronic assistant exists. I appreciate vehicle assistance systems. On the freeway, for example, I like to use the ACC automatic distance regulator and the “lane assist” feature.

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