Car manufacturer: VW HR Board: The savings program will not continue


Not only in Zwickau, but also in Hanover and Emden, the auto company wants to build e-cars in the future.

(Photo: AP)

WolfsburgBei Volkswagen According to Human Resources Director Gunnar Kilian, it will not continue the “Future Pact” called austerity program give. “But even after completing this program, we must continue to work intensively on our efficiency and productivity,” said Kilian of the German Press Agency. “There will not be a” Future Pact II “. But in tough competition we are no longer just with other car manufacturers, but also with companies in the IT and software industry. “

The American VW-Rival GM had announced to curtail domestic production and therefore To dismiss staff and to close some production facilities, According to US media, the reduction could affect up to 15,000 employees. “Even at Volkswagen, we will need less time to produce an electric car than to build a classic-drive car,” said Kilian.

He made it clear that in the next few years “many employees of the baby boomers” will retire from working life anyway. “This gives us the opportunity to not vacant vacant positions. In addition, we offer part-time retirement. “In this way, employment could be secured and at the same time productivity increased.

Recently VW had announced that not only in Zwickau, but also in Hanover and Emden electric cars are built, An employment security was agreed there until the end of 2028, while at the same time the number of employees is to be reduced by partial retirement arrangements. Securing employment by 2025 is also part of the “Future Pact” agreed in the autumn of 2016 and initially fiercely controversial between management and the works council.

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But this also includes the reduction of up to 30,000 jobs, 23,000 of them in Germany, In return, 9000 jobs will be created in software and battery development. Kilian said of the car giant’s plans for the car: “Volkswagen is clearly committed to Germany as a location. We expect a productivity boost from the transition to electromobility of 20 to 25 percent, “he said.

Gunnar Kilian

Furthermore, Volkswagen must become more efficient and productive, according to the HR Board.

(Photo: AP)

“However, it would be too early to speculate today about possible employment figures in a decade.” There will also be discussions with the employee side for the period from 2025 onwards and beyond. The Human Resources Director also emphasized that the VW engine and component factories would also be needed with an increasing share of e-mobility.

“There will be a large proportion of vehicles with conventional engines for many years to come. In addition, we started early with innovations in the area of ​​e-mobility in our component plants. For example, we already build electric motors today, “he said.

Fit for change

On the future development of industrial work Kilian said: “The transformation will change the world of work. The topic has been driving me since the first day in my new task. Presumably, we will not grow as much as we used to in the past. “Nevertheless, future jobs should be created and employees should be made fit for change.

Qualification is crucial given the megatrend of digitization and the growing importance of artificial intelligence, Kilian said. “At the Zwickau location, we train the workforce for e-mobility. And with digitalization in mind, we’re starting to train software developers ourselves. “

In the spring of 2019, the first year of the two-year training program called “Fakultät 73” will start in Wolfsburg with 100 participants: “We hit the mark with the program. We received 1,500 applications for the first 100 seats. “

Despite the immense importance of the most important single market, China, for Volkswagen and other German carmakers, Germany remains the most important focus, emphasized Kilian. “We are already internationally positioned today.” This applies not only to hardware development, but also to the development of software, digital services and apps. “Today we have too much workload and projects in our Wolfsburg development. In this respect there is no danger here. “

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