McLaren works with local community schools to give young people the career skills they need

On December 6 2018, McLaren hosted its fourth annual Work Inspiration event for young people in the local community. The day saw 13 students take part in a range of unique learning experiences that are designed to develop future career skills.

From developing problem-solving skills by pitching their own marketing campaign, to improving communication and teamwork through a Grand Prix pit-stop challenge, each activity gave the students a learning experience with a McLaren twist. Students also received practical insight and advice from McLaren’s recruitment team, including advice on building a CV, developing professional interpersonal skills and making the transition from education to working life.

The programme helps year 11 and 12 students bridge the gap between work experience and the next step in their personal development.

Patrick Bermingham, Group HR Director at McLaren Group, said:

“I’m very proud of this programme, which provides insight into the McLaren high-performance culture through activities that focus on communication skills, teamworking and self-confidence. It’s designed to be a practical and memorable experience that school students can easily refer to in future interviews and applications, helping them to stand out in competitive situations, whatever they choose to do next.”

Zainab Ahmad, Student, Fullbrook School, said:

“Today has been refreshing as well as eye opening. Not only have I gained experience on accessing jobs, I have had a fun time, especially during the pit-stop challenge.”

Isabelle O’Flaherty, Student, Fullbrook School, said:

“I’ve really enjoyed the whole day. I’ve learnt a number of career skills that will help me in the future, including how to express myself in an interview and in a CV.”

Helen Sanders, Careers Coordinator, WMAT / Weydon School, said:

“It was great finding out about entry routes and the variety of backgrounds employees come from; today has been a very valuable experience for our students.”

The nominations process for next year’s McLaren Work Inspiration programme will start in May 2019.

Schools in the local area looking for more information on how to register for a chance to be part of the programme should contact [email protected].