Postponement of the board on FCA, Fiom: “Lingotto can not hold Turin hostage”, while Fim attacks the government

It is done or not done. The doubt was in the air for days, between leaks forward and denials (even of the facade). Now that the absence of FCA is official to the joint Council of the City and Region that was scheduled for tomorrow morning, the reactions are not slow to be heard. But with different goals, in the crosshairs.

As for Fiom-Cgil, it is the Lingotto that ends up in the dock. “FCA can not hold Torino hostage”, an official note from the metalworkers Cgil syllables. “The confirmation of the absence of FCA from the meeting of the municipal and regional councils opened consolidates the opinions we have already expressed – commented Edi Lazzi, provincial secretary of Fiom – FCA uses the matter of the ecotax in a pretext way to avoid public confrontation and with the institutions FCA decides to hold Turin hostage to polemize with the government and has a poor attitude towards the local institutions and workers.We reiterate that more investments and more models are needed for Turin, since only the electric 500 will not be enough to guarantee full employment.We are wasting an opportunity for comparison that could be useful to find the right solutions “.

On the other hand, Fim-Cisl attacks the executive. “The Minister of Economic Development and the Government immediately and unequivocally say that the” farlocca “eco tax will be withdrawn from the Budget Law – says Claudio Chiarle, city secretary of the initials -. It is a disaster for the country, for 88,000 FCA employees who risk compromising the employment future and that of their families “. “A provision, that of 79 bis – continues Chiarle – the result of an incompetent ecologist mind, a theorist who ignores the times and impacts of 5 billion FCA investments in Italy, 13 new models with a choice towards the electrification of the automotive which will have repercussions and investments in the automotive sector that is worth 156 thousand employees in Italy and 58 thousand in Piedmont for a value of 46 billion in turnover in Italy, of which 18 billion in Piedmont. “

“GM fires 15,000 employees and closes four plants – presses Fim’s secretary – does the government and its contract want FCA’s investments in Italy or do they want the” GM model “for a disastrous decrease?”.

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