FCA, Monica Canalis (PD): “Well the new investment plan in Piedmont”

“The risk that FCA rethinks the announced plan for new investments in Italy is real and must be taken seriously”. To say it is the councilor of the City of Turin and candidate as a Secretary of PD Piedmont, Monica Canalis.

“This government of incapacitants proposes an ecotax that would end up penalizing Italian manufacturers and the relative supply chain of components.To encourage ecological reconversion, the money is there: they take from the billions allocated in vain for the income of citizenship. 5 stars insist, I hope that FCA chooses to cut first the Pomigliano plant, not the Piedmont ones, so at least Di Maio will be able to take the peasers into his college.And finally a question to the Northern League: the “first Italians” is not valid even when speaking of cars and components? Let’s say “Before the Piedmont” to a government that is sinking it, between NO OLYMPICS, NO TAV and NO FCA “.

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