Volkswagen with new IQ.DRIVE umbrella brand campaign

ID. VIZZION in the IQ.DRIVE TV commercial.

  • IQ.DRIVE bundles communication with all existing and future level 1 to 5 smart driver assistance systems
  • Europe-wide marketing campaign starts in Germany on December 20 with TV commercial as core element
  • IQ.DRIVE special models planned for January 2019 for European dealer network
  • Jürgen Stackmann, Board Member for Sales: “Our models already have intelligent electronic assistants for greater convenience and safety on board. With IQ.DRIVE, we are accompanying our customers on the way to autonomous driving. In future, their mobility time is to be quality time.”

Volkswagen is bundling its entire range of intelligent driver assistance technologies under the new umbrella brand IQ.DRIVE. Before Christmas, Volkswagen will be launching a 360° marketing campaign for the new brand in Germany, consisting of TV commercial and posters as well as printed and online advertisements. Other European markets are to follow next year. In January 2019, special IQ.DRIVE models will appear in European dealerships. Jürgen Stackmann, Volkswagen Brand Board Member responsible for Sales and Marketing: “Our models already have intelligent electronic assistants for greater convenience and safety on board. With IQ.DRIVE, we are accompanying our customers on the way to autonomous driving. In future, their mobility time in a Volkswagen is to be quality time.“

IQ.DRIVE stands for all the intelligent assistance systems currently available for driving, parking and greater safety as well as for innovations being developed by Volkswagen to allow automated driving up to level 5 (fully autonomous driving without a driver) in the future. The systems in the IQ.DRIVE family already support the driver in everyday situations such as parking, leaving a parking space (Park Assist) or lane changing (Lane Assist) and help prevent accidents (Front Assist with City Emergency Brake function).

In future, Volkswagen vehicles will be able to search for parking spaces in a car park or travel along the autobahn without human aid. In other words, the vehicle will accelerate, brake and steer independently, reacting intelligently.

The international IQ.DRIVE campaign was developed by the agency Grabarz & Partner. The heart of the campaign is a TV commercial which is to be broadcast from December 20. The film shows a boy thinking about the future of driving. He mentions examples which show how Volkswagen models already provide or will provide support for the driver such as remote-controlled driving out of parking spaces (Remote Control Parking), automated driving in congestion (Traffic Jam Assist) or lane changing without the assistance of the driver (Travel Assist). Finally he asks the question: “Will driving a car in the future be totally boring if the car does so much itself?” He finds the answer himself in the final scene, when he climbs out of the rear of the Volkswagen ID. VIZZION, a study for an automated electric sedan. He points to the car and asks: “Hey, come on, does that look boring?” The commercial will also be used on the Internet.

The campaign is being backed by four blue poster and advertisement motifs. The clear and tidy presentation, which features very little text and easy-to-understand icons, is intended to reflect the fact that the IQ.DRIVE family consists of easy-to-use assistants. Initially, the motifs will be shown throughout Germany on large billboards and megalights. This will be followed by mall videos in shopping centers. They will also be used for Instagram posts and stories in the social media.

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