Car manufacturer: VW boss Diess must setback in the cooperation with Ford

Herbert Diess

VW and Ford want to push the costs of developing new mobility concepts and electromobility with their planned cooperation.

(Photo: AP)

Dusseldorf, FrankfurtThe negotiations between the car manufacturers Volkswagen and ford over a deeper cooperation have faltered. Although there is a fundamental agreement on cooperation in the production of transporters, as the Handelsblatt has learned from Group circles.

However, the talks are over an expansion of the existing cooperation deadlocked. So far, this is limited to the development and production of vans.

The core is about the fordDaughter Argo, the Systems for autonomous cars developed. Volkswagen wants to participate in society in order to accelerate research together. Ford demand for a higher sum of money, as an insider reported. VW CEO Herbert Diess refuse such payment.

In contrast, he offers the US competitor to use the new electric platform MEB. Ford would thus save high initial investment in electromobility, as new models could be built based on the MEB. Although the management of the US group is open to it, it still insists on a cash payment for the Argo stake.

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“The discussions over the design of the deal drag on longer than planned,” said an executive. For Diess, this is a setback: he could not present the plans for approval to the Supervisory Board as planned next Thursday. The meeting of the inspectors had therefore been canceled, it was said. The company did not comment.

Comment: Cooperation with VW is Ford’s big chance

VW and Ford want to push the costs of developing new mobility concepts and electromobility with their planned cooperation. The two manufacturers complement each other in many fields.

From a political aspect, the proposed cooperation with Ford is highly relevant: For US President Trump wants to push with his trade war and the dispute over possible car taxes not only domestic, but also foreign corporations to produce their products increasingly in the US.

That’s exactly what happened to Trump just a few days ago in a visit of the German motorists in Washington in prospectwhen he announced that his group vehicles in the North American Ford plants could manufacture.

The VW boss said that they may want to produce pick-ups with Ford, share costs and production: “We are ready to invest more.” Ford confirmed negotiations “in a number of areas,” but emphasized that it was for details it too early.

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VW should have sold its offer to the US government as a win-win situation. US car brands weaken, Ford wants to cut back on its model range in the coming years.

In circles of VW it was said that the talks on a cooperation would be continued. The aim is to be able to present first projects at the auto show in Detroit, it was said. The industry show will take place in mid-January. This and Ford boss James Hackett will have to keep up.

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